new cases, infections and latest news


The new coronavirus bulletin from the Ministry of Health today Thursday, September 3, 2020 with updated data on the epidemic in Italy is expected around 5 pm New infections by Covid-19 have risen again: yesterday they were registered 1,326 new cases (with almost 103 thousand swabs performed), six deaths. And a total of 109 patients are admitted to intensive care.

An increase of 37.9% in new cases of Covid-19, in hospitalized patients (+ 30%) and in intensive care (+ 62%). These are the data published by the independent monitoring of the Gimbe Foundation in the week of August 26 to September 1, compared to the previous one. Here all the details.

Now let’s see all the data in detail. At the end of the article the section updated with the latest news from the regions to shed light on new coronavirus outbreaks and the latest news about the epidemic of Covid-19 in Italy.

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Thursday, September 3, 2020

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Coronavirus outbreaks: data region by region

While waiting to know the numbers of the coronavirus bulletin communicated by the Ministry of Health around 17, we see live updates from the individual regions.

There are 23,204 in total, 15 more than yesterday, the new cases of coronavirus infection in Veneto. This was announced by the Region. There are currently 2,614 positive patients. There are 8,062 people in home isolation, of which 136 have symptoms of Covid-19. There are no new cases of deaths: the global figure stands at 2,123.

A total of 3,828 positive cases of coronavirus are registered in Abruzzo from the beginning of the emergency. Compared to yesterday, there are 24 new cases (between 10 and 73 years), while the number of deceased patients remains at 472. The number of positive cases also includes 2902 discharged / cured (no changes compared to yesterday, of which 14 that of symptomatic with clinical manifestations associated with Covid-19, have become asymptomatic and 2888 that have resolved the symptoms of the infection and were negative in two consecutive tests).

In Puglia 80 new cases of Covid-19 infection were detected out of a total of 3,886 smears performed. There are three deaths: one in the province of Bari, two in that of Lecce.

Ten non-EU workers tested positive for coronavirus after tests carried out in a reception center set up for tomato harvesting in Palazzo San Gervasio (Potenza). In total, yesterday – according to what was announced by the regional working group – in Basilicata 816 swabs were analyzed: there are 15 positive cases. In addition to the ten infections found in Palazzo San Gervasio, the other five affect two residents of Matera, two residents of Policoro (Matera) and one of Garaguso. With this update, the number of currently positive Lucans has increased to 36 (of which 33 are in home isolation).

Coronavirus, the latest news

As reported by the WHO in the data updated to September 2, the state that registered the highest daily increase in infections is again India, with more than 78 thousand cases. It is followed by Brazil, the second country with the most cases and the most victims in the world. In Europe, Russia is concerned that it has exceeded one million infected. Half of the worst affected nations are in South America.

And how it is developing in Italy the coronavirus epidemic? The independent monitoring of the GIMBE Foundation registered in the week August 26-September 1, compared to the previous week, an increase of 37.9% in new cases (9,015 vs 6,538) and 52.2% of currently positive cases ( 7,040 vs 4,625). Hospitalized patients with symptoms also increased (1,380 vs 1,058) and those in intensive care (107 vs 66). There was also a slight increase in deaths (46 vs 40). The data is analyzed as always by Nino Cartabellotta, president of the GIMBE Foundation: “In the last week, the increase in the number of new cases and people currently positive continues, as a result of both the increase in proven cases and the constant increase in the ratio positive / proven cases. In addition, the growing trend of hospitalizations with symptoms is consolidated and that of patients in intensive care skyrockets, signs that go in the direction of a resumption of the epidemic in our country, both in epidemiology and in clinical manifestations, just on the eve of the crucial moment of the reopening of the schools “.

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Tampons? According to figures published by the Ministry of Health, Veneto is the first to carry out the tests: 63 per thousand inhabitants. Followed by Trentino, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria. In the last positions we find Sardinia, Basilicata, Puglia, Campania and finally Sicily.
