new cases and outbreak map


Coronavirus, the new Covid Newsletter Ministry of Health today to Saturday 24 October 2020 arrives in the afternoon. Since the morning, however, data from individual regions on new cases of Sars-Cov-2 positivity begin to merge, with the number of hospitalizations, intensive care, deaths, tampons and recovered. In thelatest newsletter, yesterday 19,143 new cases were registered while 1,049 people are hospitalized in intensive care.

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Saturday, October 24, 2020

In the afternoon the bulletin today with national data. A little further down this page you will find the data region by region as it becomes official.

New cases:
Tested cases:
Swabs (diagnosis and control):
Currently positive:
Passed away:
Hospitalized in Intensive Care:
Total positive cases:
Unloaded / cured:

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Bulletin today: data region by region

The coronavirus does not stop its career or in Veneto nor in Tuscany, where in today’s newsletter there are respectively other 1,729 and 1,526 new cases in the last 24 hours. In Veneto there are another nine deaths in one day according to the bulletin issued by the Region, which reports a total of 42,869 cases since the beginning of the pandemic, with 15,621 currently positive and 2,317 deaths in general. The total number of cases reached 42,869 and the total number of deaths is 2,317. There are 631 people currently hospitalized, of which 73 are in intensive care.

“With the work that was done in Tuscany We basically have 550 intensive care posts: at the moment 87 are occupied, so we still have the ability to monitor the situation for days, ”said Eugenio Giani, president of the Tuscany Region, on the sidelines of an inspection at the new Covid Center from the Careggi hospital in Florence. In Tuscany there are 29,427 cases of coronavirus positivity, 1,526 more than yesterday (1,197 identified in the course of the screening and 329 in the detection activities). New cases are 5.5% more than the total of the previous day. Those cured grew 1.6% and reached 12,491 (42.4% of the total number of cases). The swabs performed reached 987,024, 13,369 more than yesterday. 8,886 subjects analyzed (excluding control swabs), of which 17.2% were positive, in addition to the 1,105 rapid antigenic swabs made today, the positives are currently 15,688 today, + 9.1% compared to yesterday. there are 727 (7 1 more than yesterday), of which 87 in intensive care (5 more). Unfortunately, today there are 11 new deaths: 8 men and 3 women with an average age of 86.6 years.

In the Market 2,713 swabs were tested in the last 24 hours: 1,621 in the new diagnostic pathway and 1,092 in the cured pathway. The positives are 274 in the new diagnostic route: 57 in the province of Macerata, 123 in the province of Ancona, 32 in the province of Pesaro Urbino, 37 in the province of Fermo, 24 in the province of Ascoli Piceno and 1 outside the region. These cases include symptomatic subjects (41 cases detected), household contacts (74 cases detected), close contacts of positive cases (64 cases detected), 8 cases registered in the work environment, contacts in the living / entertainment environment (15 cases detected)), three cases detected in the healthcare field, contacts in the school / training environment (10 cases) and four cases detected in the screening carried out in the health sector.

The newsletter of the Basilicata indicates that 1,214 swabs were tested for the search for Covid-19 contagion, of which 69 tested positive. The positivity found concern: 17 residents in Puglia and there in isolation, 2 residents in Campania and there in isolation, 1 resident in Tricarico, 10 in Matera, 10 in Potenza, 2 in Ferrandina, 2 in Lagonegro, a resident in San Fele, 2 from Marsicovetere, 6 from Genzano, one from Palazzo San Gervasio, 3 from Lavello, 1 from Atella, 1 from Grassano, 1 from Ripacandida, 1 from Brienza, 1 from Sant’Angelo Le Fratte, 1 from Maratea, 1 from Rapolla, 1 from Filiano, 1 from Rotonda, 1 from Melfi, 1 from Cancellara, 1 from Venosa. Yesterday 9 people recovered and two died, one from Paterno and the other from Moliterno.

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Bulletin of the Spallanzani of Rome: At the moment 225 patients with positive swabs are hospitalized at Spallanzani in Rome for the investigation of Sars-Cov-2. Forty-one patients require intensive care. The patients discharged and transferred to homes or other territorial structures are 950 this morning.

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