New blockade in Italy or curfew at 9 pm if the infections do not stop in 7 days


ROME – The meeting with the Regions to agree on other closings scheduled for today. With the passing of the hours, but especially with the increase in hospitalizations and deaths from Covid-19, the government plans acloser.

If the positive effects do not arrive in a week thanks to the measures already taken – first of all the obligation of the masks – Giuseppe Conte could be forced to impose a curfew throughout Italy with a new Dpcm, or even allow leaving their homes just to go to school or workthus limiting non-essential activities as much as possible.

The parameter does not change: follow-up of the epidemiological curve and number of intensive therapies. Meanwhile, we are working onlist of non-essential activities that could be stopped – even with an order from the Ministry of Health – if the number of infections increased too fast.

Roberto Speranza, who leads the government’s hard wing against the virus with Dario Franceschini, works in agreement with the presidents of the regions on the new ordinances. Conte continues to oppose a national shutdown, while Speranza still does not rule out the possibility of a restart, even if it’s just two weeks, to give encouragement to the healthcare system. We evaluate the curve and prepare.

General practitioners

While studying the new rules, the government accelerates on the health front. Part of the containment strategy drawn up in the Guidance Law for affiliated drugs, which will be at the table of the State-Regions Conference on Monday, with doctors and representatives of the unions. The purpose strengthen local activities to improve diagnosis and prevent the spread of infections. Family doctors will be equipped with the instrumentation to enable more effective care of non-Covid patients to reduce pressure on hospitals.

Rapid tests in pharmacy

After much resistance, we moved towards an agreement that would put voluntary general practitioners in a position to administer the thousands of rapid tests acquired by curator Domenico Arcuri. Another important news was announced by Hope to the Regions: Let’s try to make a experimentation, as in Trento, to carry out rapid antigen tests also in pharmacies. A tender is also underway to select two thousand operators who will perform tests and swabs and inform Italians about the procedures. With a Civil Protection order – explained the minister Francesco Boccia – a quota will be created to strengthen health networks within the Astrengthen follow-up operations.

Transfers between regions

In some regions, shopping centers are open on weekends, in others they must be closed. There are those who force you to return home at 11 at night, others at 24, which does not set limits. In this situation, there is a risk that citizens will cross territorial borders and therefore it is not excluded that Governors agree to travel restrictions on Friday.

Gyms and swimming pools

The period of seven days granted by Conte to adapt the protocols set for Monday. Yesterday, the trade unions handed over to the Minister of Sports Vincenzo Spadafora the guidelines that make all the previously optional prescriptions mandatory: fever measurement at the entrances, individual classes in small spaces, differentiated tours in the changing rooms. Nas controls show that the rules are being respected, whoever breaks them is already closed, Spadafora reiterates. All that remains is to wait for Conte’s verdict.


Very high risk even for game rooms. Many Regions have already established the closure at 6 in the afternoon, an attempt is made to leave them open in the afternoon, when there are fewer people, but it is not entirely evident that the attempt will be confirmed if the situation does not improve.

October 23, 2020 (change October 23, 2020 | 07:05)

