
Rome, arrested for drugs I brothers Marco and Gabriele Bianchi from Artena, already under investigation for the murder of Willy monteiro. I carabinieri of the provincial command of Rome They are fulfilling an order of preventive detention in prison, issued by the investigating judge of the Velletri Court at the request of the local prosecutor’s office, against 6 people, responsible, in various capacities, for possession and sale of drugs and attempted extortion. The accusations made against the Bianchi brothers also include having made punitive shipments against those who did not pay for the drug and having delivered drugs even during emergency shutdown.
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White brothers
Among the recipients of the provision that provides for the arrest are also the Bianchi brothers, currently already detained in prison, as investigated for the murder of Willy Montero Duarte, which occurred Colleferro on September 6.
Today’s provision arises from an investigation carried out by the Carabinieri of the Operational and Radio Mobile Nucleus of the Compagnia di Velletri, which made it possible to verify the existence of an organization that sold drugs in the area of Velletri, Lariano, Artena and neighboring municipalities.
The investigations
During the investigations, evidence was obtained on the roles played by the detainees in the execution of the illicit activity and the modus operandi of the group was reconstructed, also verifying that the suspects habitually resorted to violent actions and threats to intimidate insolvent insurers and force them to pay the agreed fees for the purchase of the drug.
Punitive expeditions against those who did not pay
They would have carried out a real job of coordinating the commercial activity, giving precise indications to the different accomplices, the Bianchi brothers, in prison for the murder of Willy monteiro, and among the six arrested in an anti-drug operation by the carabinieri in the Castelli Romani. That’s what the investigators would have found out. Investigations also revealed that all buyers knew they had to pay on time and in the prescribed manner, and all knew that they could otherwise experience “punitive shipment”. Some of the group members were martial arts experts and had also participated in national competitions.
The merchants and buyers used an agreed cryptic language, in which the drug was called in various ways (coffee, T-shirts, aperitif, keys, Gomorrah CD). Deliveries were made with the “itinerant” method, that is, agreeing from time to time, always different places, times and methods. The circuit was well tested, to such an extent that, despite the “lockdown”, deliveries continued to be made, taking advantage of the few occasions on which travel through the territory was allowed. According to the investigators, the insured turnover for the illicit activity was significant: the detainees used large cars, branded clothes and valuable watches, documenting all the nights spent in the most famous squares of the “night life” of the Castelli Romani area ” with photos and videos posted on social networks.
Last update: 10:47