New anti-Covid measures, no decision before Friday. Meanwhile, in Bari, shops close at 7pm and there is no takeout after 6pm.


The final decision is postponed to Friday in the Council of Ministers, also because to have a definitive picture of the new anti-Covid grip, more up-to-date data on infections are needed than the control room table gathered in the afternoon in Palazzo. Chigi under the presidency of Mario Draghi. And therefore, if the government decided to tighten the weekends as happened at Christmas, it is very unlikely that it will happen as soon as Saturday, since Draghi has ensured that each decision will be communicated well in advance so as not to damage further. the productive categories and allow citizens to organize themselves.

An hour and a half of debate on the opinion of the Scientific Technical Committee on the need for new restrictions and then the postponement until tomorrow pending more up-to-date data on the progress of infections that the Higher Institute of Health should send tonight.

There is no decision, therefore, at least until tomorrow on the changes to the Dpcm that came into effect just 4 days ago. The Prime Minister and the heads of delegation of the majority parties participated in the control room: Maria Stella Gelmini, Dario Franceschini for the Democratic Party, Elena Bonetti for Italy alive, Giancarlo giorgetti for the League, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza (Leu) and ministers Daniele franco, Stefano Patuanelli, Patrizio Bianchi. The Undersecretary of State for the Presidency of the Council was also present at Palazzo Chigi Roberto Garofoli, The secretary general Roberto Chieppa, the head of the Dragon Cabinet, Antonio Funiciello, the president of the Higher Institute of Health, Silvio Brusaferro, and the director of the Higher Council of Health, Franco Locatelli.

Talks are also scheduled for tomorrow with the Regions, which are also divided on whether to adopt more restrictive measures at the national level or only selective ones. The new postponement increasingly calls into question the hypothesis that any new measure, starting with the contraction of weekends, may come into effect as early as Saturday, given that the new government has made the communication of the measures one of its flags well in advance and that the times from now to the weekend are too close.

Blockade, is it a shock in the government: new closure as at Christmas or partial closures?

by Alessandra Ziniti

What worries the executive is the rebound in infections caused by variants of the coronavirus and the increase in patients admitted to therapy. Draghi’s intention, therefore, is to act quickly to prevent the collapse of wards in hospitals and speed up vaccinations. For this reason, the government will launch a new Dpcm on Friday. During this afternoon’s summit with the majority heads of delegation, the Prime Minister will try to seek mediation between prisons, such as Speranza and Franceschini, and those who would like softer measures such as the League.

The hypotheses that circulate during these hours are those of armored weekends, with closed restaurants and bars, and automatic red zones when the incidence of weekly cases exceeds 250 per 100,000 inhabitants (or in the case of outbreaks due to the new variants). However, those taking the penalties would like a total lockdown for at least three weeks. The presidents of the region, who will meet tomorrow with Ministers Sperana and Gelmini, agree on the need for a new squeeze.

Bari closes at 19, Florence risks red

Meanwhile, the mayor of Bari and president of Anci De Caro immediately adopts stricter measures for his city: ban on take-out food and closure of food and drink vending machines from 6 p.m. and suspension of activities retail sale starting at 7pm.
These are the restrictions provided by the new ordinance in force from tomorrow to March 28. The new provision was necessary “for” the exponential increase in new cases -explains the Municipality- and a cumulative weekly incidence of infections, as of February 22, higher than 250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, with a weekly rate still increasing ” , equal to 287.4 in the week until March 7. In particular, the ordinance provides for the prohibition of take-away food and drink from 6:00 p.m. for all catering activities included in the ATECO 56 Code (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries, food trucks) and for all retail activities of beverages in specialized stores included in the ATECO Code 47.25; the closure of food and beverage vending machines 24 hours a day. day 6 to 7; closure of 19 of all retail activities (except food, newspapers and periodicals, medicines and medical supplies, flowers and nursery supplies, tobacco, fuels for domestic use) co and carbohydrates, transport vehicles, funeral articles) both in neighborhood shops and in medium and large sales structures, even if they are included in shopping centers, and without prejudice to closings on holidays and before holidays.

Florence also risks new restrictions. To fear him, even though Tuscany has data that should keep the region still in orange, is Mayor Nardella. “It will not be easy to resist another red zone – explains the mayor – If the situation of the surrounding provinces in Florence continues at this rate, the city of Florence also runs the risk of not stopping, both from the point of view of contagion and from the point of view of hospital structures “.

“We are waiting to understand what the indications are. The government has asked the CTS for an assessment of the state of health of the country. What they decide they tell us quickly, so that people can organize their lives and their destiny.” Thus, Governor Alberto Cirio, who is waiting for the pre-report on the epidemiological status of the Region at night to find out if, it seems, Piedmont will enter the red band. As requested by the Piedmont doctors’ order that the situation is out of control.

The president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, has signed an ordinance imposing restrictions on mobility. The ordinance provides, with effect from tomorrow, Thursday, March 11, and until Sunday, March 21, the closure to the public of urban parks, municipal villas, public gardens, promenades and squares, “without prejudice to the possibility of access and exit to shops. open commercial and private homes “.

The indicated places will remain open to the public only in the time slot from 7.30 to 8.30. “The competent subjects guarantee the closing of the doors and access steps”, reads the order that will be published shortly in the Official Gazette of the Campania Region.
