
“No more mistakes like this.” Giancarlo Giorgetti makes self-criticism and describes the way forward for the “new” League. The day after the announcement of Matteo salvini As for a “secretariat” in which to delegate control and organization of the party, its number 2 is at the center of a heavy background Corriere della Sera. Giorgetti’s objective, we read, is “to build a solid system of relations with the main international foreign ministries and a closer and non-conflictual relationship with the European establishment”, an objective that must also be common to Giorgia Meloni me Brothers from Italy. A coalition that did not think in these terms “could not govern. In fact, it could not govern.”

To Salvini, he explains the He would run, Giorgetti would have made an example of the error mentioned above: “In Europe, not having voted on the motion against the dictator Lukashenko was a strategic errorGiorgetti is the league’s foreign coach and that is why he has first-hand information about it. “I can’t keep going around if we behave like this, because we don’t make ourselves credible” in the eyes of considering the League just a “populist party.” putin’s friendGiorgetti’s scheme would also include a League capable of gradually replacing Silvio Berlusconi as guarantor of the coalition in the Ppe and Brussels. Among the league leaders, he still writes the He would run, in these hours a thought of number 2 of via Bellerio has emerged again: “If we want to govern in the future, Matteo will have to Draghi and then ask the EPP for registration. A change of Copernican perspective, worthy of difficult and adventurous times.