Negative for Covid and isolated in a nursing home, she becomes infected and dies. The son: “Someone has to pay”


He became infected while in a single room in solitary confinement at the nursing home. There is no peace from Claudio (made up name), 61-year-old Alfonsine who lost his 93-year-old mother in October, hospitalized in the Boari di Alfonsine cra, where in mid-October a large coronavirus outbreak broke out and several patients died. Claudio is shocked and angry, so much so that he filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office to try to clarify his mother’s case.

“On October 9, my mother was discharged from Domus Nova, where she was hospitalized for a urinary tract infection, and since she no longer had the bandit at home, she had already reserved a place for her in Boari, where she had to continue her treatment. – explains the man – Before entering the nursing home I had a swab that was negative. According to protocol, she remained in isolation in a single room for 14 days, so much so that not even the family members were able to visit her. After 9 days, on October 18 the Covid outbreak broke out in Boari, but my mother was still isolated, I called the director and she assured me that my mother was isolated and that in any case they had isolated the positive cases. I rubbed my mother, who tested negative on the 21st. On the 25th (17 days after the old woman entered, ed) they call to tell me that my mom took another swab and tested positive. How is that possible if he was in solitary confinement? “.

The most likely hypothesis, according to the man, is that an operator brought Covid to the mother’s room. “On October 30, a doctor called me to tell me that they had to increase my mother’s oxygen, but that for Covid, according to him, he was asymptomatic – continues Claudio – The next day I did not receive calls. On the night between Saturday and Sunday they call me and tell me that my mother had suddenly become worse. We told him to take her directly to the hospital. At 4:30 a.m. they called me from the emergency room and told me that they didn’t think my mother was going to sleep. He entered the hospital with saturation at 60, in very serious conditions, and at 4 in the afternoon on Sunday he died ”.

A painful and unclear death: “It is an absurd and frightening story – it attacks the 61-year-old man – My mother arrived healthy and fit, she was isolated and infected: someone did not do what they had to do. They were not respected. protocols, evidently an operator entered and infected her. “Claudio quotes the words of Roberta Mazzoni, director of the Ravenna health district of the AUSL of Romagna, who in an interview with Mayor Michele de Pascale had admitted that” when a outbreak within a structure for the elderly, we cannot say otherwise: something did not work perfectly. ” No one from the Boari called me to offer their condolences, but I received the invoice for the month’s payment … “.

Claudio’s case was brought to the attention of the Region by Lega councilor Andrea Liverani, who included him in a question. “Before filing a complaint with the Public Ministry, I also reported the case to the mayor of Alfonsine Riccardo Graziani – concludes the 61-year-old – It seemed correct to inform him of the matter. I do not want my complaint to fall on deaf ears. If there is someone who made a mistake, someone has to pay. “
