Nedo Fiano dead: farewell to one of the last survivors of Auschwitz. The son: “From him I learned that we must fight”


Died in milan Nedo fiano, father of deputy dem Emanuele and one of the last survivors of Auschwitz. He was 95 years old. “Dad left us. His words and his teaching, his optimism and his will to live will remain forever ”, wrote the parliamentarian on Facebook, reporting on the death of his father. “I will never have it power that he had and that brought him out of the abyss, but from him I learned that for him battles of life and against all hatred we must always fight. This taught us the memory that it helped spread. May the land that receives it be light for Dad and may his hand always protect us over us, ”adds Fiano.

Life – Born in Florence on April 22, 1925, after the promulgation of anti-Jewish laws in 1938, Fiano had to leave school at the age of 13. On February 6, 1944, at the age of 18, he was arrested by fascists as he was walking down via Cavour to Florence and they locked him up in the city jail. Later he was transferred to the concentration camp of Fossoli, along with eleven other members of his family. On May 16, 1944 he was deported, along with his entire family, to the Auschwitz Birkenau death camp. On April 11, 1945, he was released from allied forces, in the Buchenwald concentration camp, where he had been transferred by fleeing Nazis, the only survivor of his family.

From Sassoli to Anpi: best wishes and condolences for Fiano – Numerous messages of condolences to the parliamentary and his family, Starting since Nicola Zingaretti. “With the disappearance of Nedo Fiano – the secretary wrote on twitter P.S -, the world loses a man who after surviving the horror of Shoah, spent the rest of his life transmitting the value of memory to young people. A big hug to Emanuele and his family. From today the world it is poorer ”. Condolence also by the President of the European Parliament David Sassoli, which defines Fiano as “a precious witness to the horrors of the Shoah, a refined writer, a meek, kind, tenacious man of crystalline and uncompromising courage.”

By Ruth Dureghello, president of the Jewish Community of Rome, “had the strength to tell the horror to entire generations”, while the president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities Noemi Di Segni also on behalf of the entire Council of Ucei, reminds us that Fiano “He was the only one in his family to come back” from Aushwitz. “With desperation in his eyes, but also with the desire to build and rebuild together with his beloved Rina, the rediscovered partner with whom he would have three children: Enzo, Andrea and Emanuele.” Di Segni adds that “his lucid testimony, his unwavering civic commitment and his memory will be an indelible mark throughout the generations. May your memory be a blessing ”. IS Roberto Cenati, president of the Milan Provincial Anpi, says: “As long as the forces allowed it, he went to the schools to testify about the crimes and atrocities committed by Nazi-fascism. We will always remember him with affection, emotion and gratitude ”.
