The President of the Regional Council of Calabria, Domenico Tallini, 68, a member of Forza Italia, was arrested and placed in a domestic regime on charges of external competition in mafia association me electoral exchange politician-mafia.
The accusation
As learned from the agencies, the investigation that led toarrest Tallini is allegedly referring to his alleged relations with the Grande Aracri clan of the ‘ndragheta. Specifically, the president of the Calabria Regional Council would have created in collaboration with the criminal clique a company, the Farmaeco based in Catanzaro, aimed at the wholesale distribution of medicines through a network of pharmacies and parapharmacies (20 in Calabria, 2 in Puglia and 1 in Emilia Romagna). According to the indictment, Tallini would have provided support to the clan in the start-up phase of the project in exchange for favors during the 2014 regional elections. His contribution would have been decisive for the success of the initiative.
The investigation
The investigation was coordinated by prosecutor Nicola Gratteri, deputy prosecutor Vincenzo Capomolla, and deputy prosecutors Paolo Sirleo and Domenico Guarascio. the the investigations referred to the activity of the Grande Aracri di Cutro clan, in the area of origin and in the area of Catanzaro. The elements gathered in the course of the investigations made it possible to define the new organizational structures of the clique after the operations that involved the most prominent exponent Nicolino Grande Aracri. The realization by the suspects, through the fictitious preliminary registry of assets and profits, of business projects for the reuse of the clan’s illicit product was documented. Specifically, the constitution of a company for the wholesale distribution of drugs. Finally, the role of professionals and entrepreneurs emerged in the realization of the gang’s program in terms of the search for economic advantages in the different business sectors of interest. The investigations also made it possible to reconstruct specific intimidating episodes, linked both to the conduct of business initiative and for extortion purposes, as well as the availability of numerous weapons.
The arrest and the other suspects
On Thursday, November 19, the carabinieri from the Catanzaro provincial command and the Crotone provincial command followed up on an order of preventive detention at the home, issued by the Catanzaro investigating judge at the request of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, against Domenico . Tallini. The handcuffs would also have been released for others. 18 people, held responsible for various reasons of association type mafia, external competition in association type mafia, political-mafia electoral exchange, use of money, goods or benefits of illicit origin, illegal possession of weapons, fraudulent transfer of values, attempted extortion, reception of stolen property and violence or threats to a public official.