National blockade, Ricciardi: it is plausible, people circulate too much – Chronicle


Rome, November 11, 2020 – “At this moment we see a very intense circulation of people in the red zones “, as shown by the images of cities like Milan”, but “also in the yellow zones, which are interpreted as a free whole, as we see in Venice, Naples and Rome. Looking at these scenes, going towards a the reinforced lock is in fact“. So Walter Ricciardi, counselor of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and professor of Hygiene at the Catholic University, speaking today during the broadcast of Agorà in Rai 3. In the Health institutionsHe added, “theiter is getting worse, there are already hospitals that deny assistance and interventions to cardiovascular or oncological patients and at the same time they do not take good care of even patients with Covid ”.

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The “most worrying aspect – continues Ricciardi – is that the health personnel he no longer has the same spirit, because he was vilified, mistreated. After the first ‘heroic’ phase, today the situation has changed, there are phenomena of ostracism among medical and health personnel. The consequence is that many are no longer willing to go to the Covid rooms, because they risk them and many have lost their lives. “

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In this second stageFurthermore, “as in all playoffs, the people are more impatient, also because the efforts of March have been frustrated – warns the teacher -. This is the result of a series of delays in the preparedness plan, launched by Minister Speranza on April 6, but which was made in patches, so that in some regions the tracking is maintained and in others not, in some regions in the emergency room there are scenes of war and in others No. And this is reflected in the behavior of the people ”. Faced with this, he concluded, “we must once again embrace the national spirit and put anger aside, even if it is true that something better could have been done. But now the situation is worse than the first wave, because we are getting closer to the cold and the flu ”.

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Then, regarding the case of CampaniaRicciardi adds: “In the metropolitan area of Naples the red zone should be done, it’s been two weeks since I said “but”you have to differentiate: Naples is one thing and Caserta, Benevento or Salerno is another. In Naples, some hospitals have passed the saturation threshold in sub-intensive care departments and for the next two weeks the intensive care units are also saturated, not to mention the emergency rooms that are already collapsing. There are people who spend hours in the car, who are supplied with oxygen in the car. Does this look like a yellow zone to you? “.
