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Nine days after Christmas, the government is struggling to decide to introduce new measures to slow the contagion curve. After explaining that the regional risk band system and the blocking of mobility between Regions (and between Municipalities on vacation) would have been the optimal solution to face the holidays, the game has reopened, but the uncertainty for citizens, workers and companies reign supreme. As in any other file, the executive is divided. Giuseppe Conte met at lunchtime with the heads of delegation of the majority parties, together with Ministers Roberto Speranza and Francesco Boccia, and for the moment the predominant hypothesis is that of a sudden closure.

The meeting was not without tense moments, and did not lead to a solution. Two lines clashed at the top. The first of extreme rigor strongly supported by Speranza herself and Boccia together with Dario Franceschini. The three ministers press for an Italy in the red zone at least from December 24 to January 6: closure of all non-essential commercial activities, inability to leave home except for work reasons, necessity and urgency. A measure that found the 5 stars lukewarm, who would prefer more surgical and calibrated measures, but above all the skepticism of Giuseppe Conte, for whom the path taken is bearing fruit and the gloomy measures would not be understood or necessary. “It is absolutely necessary to stop meetings, dinners and dinners,” explains a source from the Ministry of Health, defending the position of his minister.

“We are working during these hours to try to reinforce the Christmas plan – explained the premier – We had a new conversation with the CTS experts who advised us on additional measures. We must avoid the third wave ”.

The prime minister is working on a mediation, which has also been approved by the pentastellati. It would foresee the creation of a national red zone for the days that go from December 24 to 27 and from January 31 to 3, without prejudice to the provisions already provided for holidays, including the prohibition of travel between Regions. An additional meeting was to take place late in the evening, pending the return of Teresa Bellanova, head of the Italian delegation living in government, to Italy after a trip to Brussels. But in the most classic canvas of the Renzian tension strategy, IV sources revealed that the minister would not have participated in the non-summit.

However, a decision is expected between tomorrow and Friday, and at the moment it should not worry about the next weekend. The initial hypothesis of a squeeze that prevented the exodus before the cessation of the movements lost height during the day, also because, explains a government source, “the movements are much less concerned than the possible gatherings in the houses.” But also because the measure was strongly discouraged by the Interior Ministry: a planned exodus is better than the “flight” that would be witnessed in the face of an abrupt change in regulations.

Tomorrow the discussion with the Regions should take place, then a new update for the final decision. Sandra Zampa, undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, was clear: “Here at the Ministry of Health – explained the representative of the Democratic Party – we proposed to opt for a rigorous measure that closely resembles the red zone. It will be a not very happy Christmas, it is true, but it will be calmer because the people we love are safe ”. On behalf of the governors of the Northern League, Massimiliano Fedriga maintained a telephone contact with Speranza, whom he represented the opposition of the Lega to a blockade starting this weekend and dispensations aimed at reuniting close relatives for Christmas Day , albeit by the closest family members. But even the governors are divided: Luca Zaia leads the front of those who would like more rigorous measures, Giovanni Toti considers new restrictive measures incomprehensible in the face of data on infections less worrisome than those of a few weeks ago.

Within the next forty-eight hours, another dpcm is expected, the fifth of the second wave. The “peaceful Christmas” in the face of the “sacrifices” assured by Conte just a month and a half ago now seems like a distant mirage.
