Nas inspections in analysis laboratories, complaints in Catanzaro and Reggio Calabria


Nas control activities continue throughout the national territory, in the context of the emergency health crisis that has affected all of Italy. The Carabinieri command for health protection, according to the ministry, carried out specific controls on the regularity of business activities of sampling and diagnostic analysis for the search for the Sars-CoV-2 virus. During the last week they have been 285 companies and analysis laboratories inspected, private companies and affiliates, and other similar structures that operate in commerce and in the provision of molecular, antigenic and serological analysis tests aimed at determining any positivity for Covid-19.

In Calabria

A Catanzaro The Nas denounced the attorney responsible for an accredited testing laboratory for being held liable for having used expired chemical reagents in diagnostic activities. In addition, during the inspection, hygienic, sanitary and structural deficiencies were found, as well as the lack of adoption of protective and preventive measures in the workplace in terms of containment. 877 vials of expired reagents and in vitro diagnostics worth € 4,500 have been seized.

A Reggio calabria The Nas has identified an accredited clinical analysis center for having performed rapid tests to determine Covid-19 positivity in the absence of authorization and related functional requirements, as well as used chemical reagents that have expired their validity. 17 irregular reagents were seized for a total value of 1,000 euros. The lawyer in charge and a laboratory technician were reported, however not registered in the corresponding registry.

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