Finca la strana in Arek Milik. Very close to Juventus in July, one step away from Rome in September. Stories of a transfer market that sometimes exceeds all reasoning even for unpredictable and unexpected variables. The Polish striker now runs the risk of living a year apart at home Naples and the expiration of the contract with the possibility of leaving the blue club in a free card. But both Director Giuntoli and the player’s entourage are also evaluating foreign tracks. to avoid a situation that would have negative implications for all parties involved.
INTEREST OF TOTTENHAM – A road leads to London, more precisely to Tottenham. Mourinho highly esteems Milik, there were already contacts at the end of last season. At present it is not possible to speak of a real negotiation, but if the right joints are found, it could become a solution to be taken into account. This is because Spurs they would like to start an operation with the inclusion of some counterparts. At the moment we cannot speak of a real negotiation, but of a flashback. Advances are expected in the coming days, and Milik remains a leading player in the market..