from Oct. 5, 2020, 8:40 a.m.
What will happen after Naples that did not show up in Turin for the game against Juventus, blocked by the ASL? Today, La Gazzetta dello Sport confirms that the official measures will arrive tomorrow but it will be 3-0 on the table For the Bianconeri: “While De Laurentiis reaffirms his line, the Lega is also right: there are no conditions that legitimize the postponement of the party. Reason why tomorrow the sports judge Mastrandrea will, in all probability, notify Juventus of the 3-0 draw in favor of Juventus“, it reads.
POINT AND APPEAL – Not only that, because Gazette adds one more provision: “And, provided for in the code of sports justice for those who do not appear, there are also a penalty point. In addition to the investigation that the federal prosecutor will open. But then De Laurentiis has already made it known that it will be used at all locations. and also threatened the League of President Dal Pino. Naples is challenged for failure to comply with the assigned provisions ”.