The lawyer of Radio Anch’io Sport: “With the defeat at the table and the penalty spot, the sport would lose the opportunity to give a different signal: you should not play football at any price, but you should take the conditions into account “. Mayor De Magistris: “ASL Napoli 2 has ordered the club not to leave, with strong prescriptions and also fearing criminal liability”
What will be the consequences of Napoli’s non-presentation in Turin, after the ASL stoppage? According to the club’s lawyer, Mattia Grassani, “if the sports judge imposed the 0-3 on the table and the penalty spot, I think that the sport would lose an opportunity to give a different signal, that is, that you should not play at football at any price. But bear in mind the conditions “. Napoli’s lawyer, an expert in sports law, adds: “We must take a step back, take into account a greater good than football.”
The role of ASL
Speaking on Radio Anch’Io Sport on Radio 1 Rai about the non-performance of the match with Juventus, Grassani underlines: “What annoys me is that we can think that there are local health authorities that can influence the championship on the basis of an interest , here the only interest is the health of the people. ”And he explains:“ It is not Napoli that chose not to go to Turin, if Napoli had gone to Turin they would have exposed themselves to criminal liability and health risks. had another option, the players were ready to play ”.
In the protocol
Grassani also spoke of the protocol of the League: “Is the protocol of June 18 completely skipped? With that protocol, the ASLs have exclusive jurisdiction over the determination of the derogation to compete at home or away. If we want things to change we have to change the protocol, but the ministry has also expressed itself clearly. How will it be done for the European Cups? In one of the ASL measures there is the express wording: ‘Close contacts placed in isolation in their own home cannot leave the national territory’. According to the protocol and the local health authorities, the clubs will not be able to move from the national territory ”.
De Magistris: “Unpleasant that 3-0 on the table”
The Mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris, of the same opinion: “The Asl Napoli 2 has imposed itself on Naples so that it does not leave, with strong prescriptions and also fearing criminal responsibilities. So it is clear that there are conspiracies: if this were a I leave the autonomous decision of the ASL to the reasoning, intuition and sagacity of many, but I do not think that Napoli had alternatives and I find it unpleasant that the matches are assigned at the table when a game is not played. But now football in everything This is very little, I can’t even watch the games without the fans -he told Omnibus on La7- what happened is one more symptom of how, despite having spent several months since the start of the pandemic, they are not capable of predicting absolutely predictable things. It is not understood why different rules have been established for players, that is, not having to go to quarantine if a person is in direct contact with a positive, and here we come to Gine of the anticipation ado Juventus-Napoli, which is the Napoli-Genoa match. If the rules that apply to all citizens had been applied, we would not have come to that ”.
October 5, 2020 (change October 5, 2020 | 10:56)