The miracle of the liquefaction of the blood of San Gennaro has not been repeated. The blood did not melt, and after a day of prayer, the locket was placed in the Chapel of the Treasury. Disappointment among the faithful who had gathered in the Cathedral of Naples.

The last time the December miracle did not occur was in 2016. The event is interpreted as an unfavorable omen by the Neapolitans.
«We want to make an act of true and deep devotion to our San Gennaro, we are united in his name. It is he who helps us to live, to bear witness to the faith, and although the blood does not melt it does not mean who knows what, “said the cardinal. Crescenzio sepe, “outgoing” archbishop of Naples and apostolic administrator awaiting the arrival of the new archbishop, Monsignor Domenico Battaglia, speaking to the faithful in the Cathedral of Naples hoping that the miracle of the liquefaction of the blood of San Gennaro will be repeated. A wait until now has been in vain because what is called “the secular miracle” has not yet been repeated because it is celebrated in the Chapel of San Gennaro, managed by the Provincial Council, a secular institution chaired by the mayor of Naples. Despite the “secular” character of the celebration, Cardinal Sepe, engaged during the day for the Campania Episcopal Conference, still wanted to be present in the Cathedral for the last Eucharistic celebration of the day. “The important thing – added the cardinal – is that we feel truly united, participating in this special event that is our devotion to our patron. Keep praying together, we are the family of San Gennaro, characteristic of devotion, and he will bless each one of us and our families ».
“If there is something that has to melt, it is the heart of man. So we entrust this beautiful intention to San Gennaro »said Monsignor. Vincenzo Papa, parish priest of the parish of Santa Maria Assunta al Duomo of Naples, in the homily delivered during the celebration of Mass while the reliquary containing the blood of San Gennaro, still solid, is exposed on the main altar of the Cathedral for the veneration of the faithful. “I would like us to pray for those who are working in hospitals and homes for the elderly, doctors, nurses and social and health workers, and many of them have given their lives,” added Monsignor Vincenzo Papa. On the failure to renew the miracle of the liquefaction of the patron saint of Naples, the parish priest of the Duomo said: “Many ask, what happens now? Nothing happens. The word of God comes to our aid, tonight it is Saint Gennaro who speaks to us, tells you and me to listen to Jesus, his word. If there is a miracle that we have to do, it is to melt our heart, which from time to time becomes hardened and moves away from God’s grace. This heart that from time to time turns to stone, let us return it to the heart of flesh, capable of continuing to beat, of giving life, a smile, a handshake that we cannot do because of the pandemic. Saint Gennaro – Bishop Pope concluded – tells us that, if we listen to Jesus, the miracle happens, not because the blood melts or not, but because the human heart melts ».
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