The scooter of the cyclist attacked in Naples, in Calata Capodichino, was found in the home of a minor. Police alerted Gianni, the 50-year-old victim of the brutal assault who came to the scene. At the police station there are some guys who are suspected of the raid.
Naples, stolen cyclist: the police find the scooter in the house of a minor, suspect at the police station

The man met with the press this morning launching an appeal: “I was a butcher, now I’m unemployed, I just want to go back to my work: I want to work, pay taxes and be an honest person, have a normal life,” he said.
Naples, cyclist attacked and robbed: 11 thousand euros raised for the scooter, Fares super-donation

The man, father of two children and unemployed, was showered with affection by the city after the video went viral. More than 11 thousand euros collected online. Gianni now launches his call “to return to normality” during a direct Facebook with the Green advisor Francesco Emilio Borrelli.
Naples, speaks Gianni, the attacked and robbed rider: “I was a butcher, I just want to get my job back”

“I was a butcher for 27 years, I worked at Auchan – he explains – I would like to do this again”. And on the solidarity taken in cttà: “Naples is great and has a big heart”. Councilor Borrelli returns the appeal to the big brands: “We have received some job offers, a great help for the scooter. Now we are asking the supermarkets to give Gianni a job, he has become a symbol, at 50 no he can be a pilot. ” “.
“This story – stressed the mayor Luigi of Magistris – It should make us reflect on the fact that the pandemic is increasingly causing the desertification of our cities and how greater control of the territory is needed because if there are no people, the streets run the risk of becoming places of criminal incursions. It is a question that I have been asking for many months and I think there is an underestimation of this. “The mayor, reiterating that it is an” unspeakable, unworthy, shameful and criminal matter “and expressing once again his solidarity with the victim. He added: “What happened should not make us forget that there is not only the criminal issue, that if we want it is a fact of common crime, but it should make us reflect on how these people sometimes work in precarious and difficult conditions. and not in security “.