
Naples, October 23, 2020 – Clashes a Naples among protesters against curfew and police forces between the seafront and the Via Santa Lucia, near the headquarters of the Campania region. The protest against decided restrictive measures by the governor of Campania By Luca to cope with the increase in infections degenerated when they left Launches of paper bottles and pumps towards the police deployed in riot gear.
The agents’ response was a tear gas fired, with lightening actions and loads. The tension continues to be very high now that it is past 11 pm, the beginning of the “curfew” foreseen by a regional ordinance.
Hundreds of people they met tonight in Largo San Giovanni Maggiore, in front of the headquarters of the Oriental University. The meeting took place through social networks. The protesters held up a banner with the words “You shut us down, pay us” against the Governor of Campania, De Luca and the Conte government, accompanied by chants of protest. “Health comes first, but without money you can’t sing masses,” says another large banner, then the procession went through the streets of the center.
Attacked further a Sky Tg24 company who was following the demo. The journalist Paolo Fratter and his operator were attacked, persecuted and beaten by the participants in the march. The assault occurred while Fratter was in connection with the firm.
The violent protest taking place in front of the headquarters of the Campania Region is animated by a thousand people, many young people with their faces covered with masks. They are not traders or small business owners. who protested peacefully therein both in Naples and Salerno.
In fact, even in Salerno at 11 pm At this point, the protest of the exhibitors to say ‘no’ to the curfew that begins tonight, and the hypothesis of a second closure. Dozens of people gathered in Piazza Amendola to shout “freedom, freedom”. The protesters lit a candle to commemorate the death of the companies. The group then peacefully walked through the alleys of the historic center to reach Corso Vittorio Emanuele.
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Tensions in Naples between ‘no lockdown’ protesters and law enforcement agencies (Ansa)
Tensions in Naples between ‘no lockdown’ protesters and law enforcement agencies (Ansa)
Tensions in Naples between ‘no lockdown’ protesters and police agencies (Ansa)
Tensions in Naples between ‘no lockdown’ protesters and law enforcement agencies (Ansa)
Tensions in Naples between ‘no lockdown’ protesters and law enforcement agencies (Ansa)
Tensions in Naples between ‘no lockdown’ protesters and law enforcement agencies (Ansa)
Tensions in Naples between ‘no lockdown’ protesters and law enforcement agencies (Ansa)
Tensions in Naples between ‘no lockdown’ protesters and law enforcement agencies (Ansa)
Tensions in Naples between ‘no lockdown’ protesters and law enforcement agencies (Ansa)
Tensions in Naples between ‘no lockdown’ protesters and law enforcement agencies (Ansa)
Tensions in Naples between ‘no lockdown’ protesters and police agencies (Ansa)
Tensions in Naples between ‘no lockdown’ protesters and law enforcement agencies (Ansa)