Naples and the Covid red zone province


The blockade in Campania has shot up. In the most critical days of the management of the Covid emergency in Campania, the conference of the Regions with Italian governors and ministers is also very tense Roberto Speranza (Health) e Francesco Boccia (Regional Affairs and Autonomies) and the Commissioner for Pandemic Emergency Domenico Arcuri. A summit in which the division between what Palazzo Chigi intends to do and what De Luca would like but cannot do emerged clear and profound. In summary: the Region fails to comply with the closure measure throughout Campania to try to launch one of red zone only in Naples and its metropolitan area, in addition, the part of Campania with the highest number of infections in the area.

“It emerged – reads the regional note – the indication of the Government not to take drastic restrictive measures at the national level. Under these conditions, it becomes impossible to implement measures limited to a single region, therefore outside of a national decision, which would also imply uncontrollable movements outside the borders. regional. In this situation the only realistic and immediate decision is to face the two or three fronts with the greatest spread of contagion. The contagion fronts are mainly found in the Naples metropolitan area. “60 percent of those infected are in the metropolitan area of ​​Naples. We have prohibited mobility between the provinces, but we should make the entire metropolitan area of ​​Naples a red zone.”

The Government presented to the Presidents of the Regions the proposal to close the premises (bars and restaurants) at 6:00 p.m. and the decision to bring distance education in schools to 75% and Campania said no:

During the meeting, President De Luca considered essential due to the current epidemiological situation, to bring distance education to 100% and in relation to the opening hours of the premises, he considered it impossible to close at 18, thus reaffirming the will to maintain schedules already provided by regional ordinance closes at 11pm. In the absence of a general restrictive measure, there is no point in adopting rules that bring entire categories to their knees.

The objective is twofold: to block the nightlife considered the main place of spread of the infection and to adopt distance education in schools in the face of the growth of the epidemic. They were illustrated at the meeting i data relating to the two weeks after the opening of schools in Campania during which infections increased ninefold and without substantial age group differentiation.

For this reason, De Luca asked to include in the Dpcm extraordinary measures for the granting of parental leave reserved to parents of primary school students and bonuses for the purchase of computers. In relation to the production categories, President De Luca requested a three-month moratorium on payments to suppliers and bank loans. In addition, for building, the issuance of building permits by computer and the approval of an immediate measure that allows the stipulation of contracts with accredited private structures for the increase of beds. The premise of all the signs that emerged is the approval of an immediate socio-economic plan on the model of the one approved in recent months by Campania to support families, companies and retirees.
