Aboard his car, the robbery victim chases the two young men who took his Rolex, a high-speed race between Marano and Villaricca, in the province of Naples. He catches up with them and hits them. The impact is violent, the two criminals die instantly. Later, the victim, Giusepe G., presents himself to the carabinieri and tells them what happened.
Villaricca, two bodies found in the street. The hypothesis: the robbery ended tragically
by Dario del Porto

He is a twenty-six-year-old with a clean record who is now being questioned. It all happened on Friday night around 7.30 pm in via Consolare Campana in Marano. Shortly after, the carabinieri find the bodies next door there is a T Max motorcycle, a pistol with a worn serial number and a Rolex watch, not far away a Smart For Four against a wall. The two bodies are identified. They are Domenico Romano, 40, and Ciro Chirollo, 30, both with multiple Sant’Antimo judges.
Meanwhile, Giuseppe G. arrives at the barracks and tells of the Rolex theft and the chase. There are some video surveillance cameras. During the race the accident and the fall of the two scooter thieves, who died of multiple trauma, while Giuseppe G. ends the Smart against a wall.