“My legitimate vaccine, Italians should thank me”



“In a normal country, they should thank me for what I have done.” Andrea Scanzi, with a video and a post on Facebook, reaffirms the legitimacy of the coronavirus vaccination received 2 days ago. The story has taken over the debate on social media, with an avalanche of comments. “The vaccine was legal, authorized, legal from all points of view. I would do it again now, tomorrow, always. A large part of Italians should have thanked me because they vaccinated me at a time when no one would have wanted to get me.” the AstraZeneca vaccine. I accepted precisely because I wanted to give a signal to the Italians ”, says the journalist in a video on Facebook, retracing the steps of the story and explaining the procedure followed.

“I have faced many controversies, almost all having fun. Sometimes I was right, sometimes I was wrong. This controversy about my vaccination does not amuse me. Not at all. It offends me, it hurts me, It piss me off. It goes beyond any form of intellectual dishonesty, “he wrote in a post.

“Last Monday I gave my doctor the will, in full compliance with the rules, to take any dose of vaccine that would otherwise end up in the sewers if I had not taken it. I did it all the more after listening to General Figliuolo da Fazio last Sunday. The issue of wasted doses is a very dear subject for him, to the point of having dedicated an ad hoc ordinance to us the next day, ”he says.

“I said that I would accept that vaccine (without stealing the place from anyone and only if it was otherwise thrown) on Tuesday at RaiTre, Wednesday at Nove, Thursday at La7. I have never hidden anything, I have always been very clear. There are recordings video, there are publications. On Friday, after three days of national blockade because “Astrazeneca gives thrombosis” (unfortunately that was the last message), they called me to tell me that there was a dose available at the end of the day. I repeated that I would not have I stole no one’s place. They reiterated (I have WhatsApp chats) that everything was in order, “he continues.

“All the people around me, except my partner Sara, said to me: ‘But no, it’s dangerous, wait Johnson, who’s making you do it!’ The weather in the country that day was sheer terror or decay. That vaccine was not exactly a ‘gluttonous bite’, in fact the night before Formigli had shown a poll that spoke of an abundant 60% of Italians willing to reject Astrazeneca ”, he says again.

“Instead I went there: because I trust science and because I wanted to give a message to Italians. I wanted to tell them:” Don’t be afraid, get vaccinated. It’s okay. “It seemed right, actually right, To use my popularity for one thing, I wasn’t very calm when I got the shot, because you always have a retroactive thought of fear, but I did. Not that you had to be heroes to Do it, mind you: the heroes are different. Not really! Sure, after three days off, there were not many people willing to get vaccinated with Astrazeneca. And there were not few vacancies on Friday, “says Scanzi.

“After getting vaccinated, surrounded by an extraordinary staff, I immediately published the post on this page: to give a message. If I wanted to be smart, I would have had the vaccine two months ago, in a more secluded clinic (certainly not at the Affari Center). Something that disgusts me just thinking about it. And above all I would not have reported it myself on my page, in front of more than 2 million people. How can you define me as a “vaccine crafty” if it was ME, with pride and after having respected the rules, to break the news of my vaccine? Do you realize that everything is backwards in this story? ”, The words of the journalist.

“I told everyone that they gave me the vaccine because I was fine and because I wanted to give a message. I actually gave it. It helped. The vast majority of the comments after my gesture were, and still are, positive. ASL in my area finally put online (about time!) The list of “vaccine banks”. And the stockpiles have skyrocketed. All of this happened because of me. I’m not saying I would like praise for this, for My God: a “thank you” would be enough for me (and many have come). Or simply not be treated like a serial killer, “he adds.

On the other hand, after two days of tranquility, today the pillory begins. Unprecedented violence. The insults, the threats, the “let’s hope you get a clot.” A mind-boggling level of virulence. Fortunately I am in a clinic and I am reading little, because otherwise we would have to be depressed (if I were the type that is depressed) for three years. Let the insults come from those who hate me anyway, there are. They live for it. the wives from nowhere, wait no more, the fascists, the Renzini and the paraculism professionals disguised as journalism masters, that is. It’s part of the game. But that some false friends also join the chorus, or people who until the day before asked me to take a picture together to collect a few more votes or I like it makes me throw up the right one ”, he says again.

“It really seems excessive to me. Sadistic. Carognesco. The total reversal of reality: you make a gesture (totally legal and that day not very emotionally easy) to help your country’s vaccination campaign in a pandemic, and what you get in The answer is sheer ferocity, foolish hatred and death wishes. I repeat: controversy (sometimes) amuses me, but not this one. It hurts. It pissed me off. And it also scares me a little. What can I say? You never stop learning. It will mean that tomorrow we will start again as before, even more fit. A hug to those who love me, and ultimately also to those who are saying all kinds of things to me: I’m not like you, and I’m proud of it “, he concludes .
