The new Health Commissioner in Calabria, Giuseppe Zuccatelli, with a note affirms the fundamental importance of the use of the mask to contrast Covid and responds to the accusations that were made after the publication of a video in which he defined it as useless. “My erroneous statements, improperly extrapolated from a private conversation – he explains – go back to the first period of spread of the infection.”
“The masks are part of the fundamental strategy to combat Covid 19 – he says – I invite everyone to use them, as well as to respect physical distance.”
“In the first phase of the epidemic – he adds – the international scientific community believed that the use of masks should be reserved only for the infected and health professionals. The experience of recent months, however, has taught us that it is a virus in many respects still unknown in terms of evolution and mode of spread. Knowledge has been consolidated over the months, according to the scientific studies carried out ”.