“My father went to die without treatment”, the torment of a family from Villa San Giovanni


“I tell my story because I do not want another like my father to die: he did not die from Covid, despite having contracted it in the hospital, but from his previous pathologies, only due to a strict application of the protocol. What humanity is it? Which state is the one that makes certain decisions sacrificing the weakest? ».

Mrs. María (we will call her that because she wants to remain anonymous to give more meaning to her story and not personalize it) is a daughter who in just seven days saw her father die from causes that are still being clarified. A story like many others told in these long months of the pandemic, but with some aspects that seriously question the protocols applied by health centers and Covid 19 triages.

The grandfather who is the protagonist of this story is 80 years old and during all these months he has been cared for and protected at home: he suffers from diabetes, but he is well, lucid, smiling.. A cheerful and receptive old man. On December 5, a stroke caused semi-pararesis on the left side: it was not serious, small ischemias according to the first CT scan performed in a private center, and the grandfather stayed at home for two more days. But he has trouble swallowing and medical advice is to take him to hospital.

“The first thing I want to say – says Maria – is that with this the Covid general practitioners refuse to go home: but taking the elderly to hospital exposes them to too great a risk!”

A private facility with no Covid cases is chosen for hospitalization: It is December 7th and the grandfather, before admission, does swabs and it is negative. María leaves him at the door, although she has also offered to clean it and go to the hospital with her father, to take care of him without leaving. However, the protocol does not allow it. The grandfather talks, collaborates, is very lucid, greets his daughter with a smile when she promises: “I will come to find you soon!”

On Friday, December 11, the lady receives the reception while at work the phone call from the Prefecture: his father is positive and must be transferred to the infectious diseases department of the city hospital. Here begins the ordeal: the grandfather stays for hours in the triage and although the daughter can contact a doctor by telephone asking him to administer insulin, the answer is dry: «There is no therapy here, ma’am. The protocol does not allow it.

The strange thing is that the older person waits hours to get cleaned again (despite the fact that it was the Prefecture to notify the family, in the morning, of their positivity) and does not do therapy for other pathologies. The grandfather falls asleep and remains in that state for three hours. At noon on the 14th the news: We report the death of your father not because of Covid but because of other pathologies ”.

For María, added to the feeling of guilt for having hospitalized him is anger at a system that she defines as “inhuman and unfair.” Did you waste time waiting for a tampon (the second one) that was not necessary? And why in triage patients cannot continue with the usual therapies for other pathologies? Is the clinical picture irremediably aggravated by compliance with an incomprehensible protocol?

Maria has no doubts: his father contracted Covid in the hospital: “We have all had swabs twice and we are all negative. We were not the ones who infected it. “But his concern, now, is for the rest of the Covid patients, of whom” all forget about the other pathologies, turning them into a Covid number. The other pathologies are neglected – he says with weak voice – and I can’t let what happened to my father happen to others. He entered a hospital smiling, he came out of another, in a white jacket. “

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