It was not yet 4 in the afternoon yesterday, Saturday November 14, when a young woman from Coneglia, RC, was walking with her dog in the Interspar supermarket area, in Conegliano.
Thanks to the beautiful day, the young woman had decided to go for a walk with her dog, a mongrel with the appearance of a cocker spaniel, without imagining the bad turn the day would take.
“I was walking calmly on the sidewalk, in the area of the Interspar supermarket, where there are also other stores. – Said the woman – When, at a certain moment, a black man passed me, of indicative age between 35 and 40 years. , about 1.85 tall, wearing a mustard colored panama “.
“As soon as she got over it, she came out of nowhere to kick my dog on a leash – two penalty kicks, which threw her into a car parked there. – He continued – My dog had not growled at him and had not even approached him so, incredulous at the scene I was witnessing, I yelled at this person, threatening to call the Carabinieri. The man, in response, sent me ‘to that country’ with a gesture ”.
The young woman from Coneglia said she was shocked by what happened: while she was preparing to help the puppy that showed no signs of life, the man would have disappeared, taking Via Borgo Porta.
“I was shocked and confused: I asked nearby stores for help, but no one came out. I tried to get the attention of passing motorists, but nothing – no one stopped – Said the Conegliano – So I called the State Police, telling what happened, then, with the help of a friend I contacted, I took the dog, which did not react, to the veterinary emergency room ”.
Due to the pandemic, an appointment being necessary to access the study, the young woman reports that she had to take the dog home, only to be contacted about an hour later.
Fortunately, the dog has been recovering gradually, without suffering serious injuries, although the episode may have had a different outcome in the animal’s health.
“Luckily that guy didn’t attack me tooBut what happened made me think a lot – the people of Coneglia explained – Why do these things keep happening, in the middle of the afternoon and without consequences? What if there was an older person in my place? ”.
“I asked for help several times, but no one left the stores or stopped: if something worse had happened to me personally, no one would have helped me, and that also makes us think – he concluded – The hope is that it won’t happen to anyone. Another thing that happened to me: I still don’t know why my dog was so kicked. “
(Source: Arianna Ceschin © Qdpnews.it).
(Photo: Qdpnews.it archive).
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