
Alarm variants. The situation in Italian hospitals is getting complicated. “We all agree that we would like to reopen everything that can be opened. But look at the case, I find the department invaded by new ones variants, and this affects the whole of Italy and makes it easy to predict that we will soon have more serious problems. This is the reality around which embroidery is useless, ”he says. Massimo galli, primary specialist in infectious diseases at the Sacco hospital in Milan, professor at the State University of the Lombard capital, spoke in “Mattino 5” about the danger of Sars-CoV-2 variants and about the need to evaluate a new rigorous blockade as arranged for all of Italy last March.
Galli (Sacco): “My department is invaded by new variants, soon we will have more serious problems”
– andrea (@peterkama) February 16, 2021
Government of Draghi and Covid, Italy is still divided into zones: no national blockade, but local red bands. Plan
“The signs” of how the Covid-19 epidemic is evolving in the Peninsula “are simply looking a little beyond our noses – explained the expert – seeing what has happened and is happening in other European countries, and while these exist new variations, whether you like it or not. The variants are not invented by us – explained Galli – The variants are there and are more contagious, which means that they are easier to spread under certain conditions that are not situations to be considered safe. it is very unfortunate, but it is a fact. We cannot sit down and have a political or union negotiation with the virus. The virus follows its rules and its methods of spread.
As for the controversy that arose after the statements of Walter Ricciardi, adviser to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, for Galli “it is clear that those who, including me, tell them that ‘we have to close more care’ may run the risk to exaggerate. When making these claims. But the risk of exaggerating, alas, warned the infectious disease specialist, is less than the probability of being right, unfortunately, for the umpteenth time. “
Last update: 11:35