“I am ashamed of Willy’s killers, but my children are not the monsters you described and the full truth about them will come out!”: These are the words of Antonietta Di Tullio, mother of the Bianchi brothers, who told him Al Corriere della Sera recounted all his pain at the death of young Willy Monteiro Duarte, perhaps killed by his hands. The woman does not rule out her children.
“My children have to pay if they make a mistake, whatever they did, but not for what they didn’t do. Justice must go to the end. I’m sure they weren’t the ones who killed him, a mother knows certain things.
Antonietta’s thoughts constantly go to Willy’s mother and her suffering.
“I speak as a mother of four children, no father can bear such pain. The first thought of the morning is to cross the child’s face and no one in the world deserves such an outrage. When I think of Willy’s mom, I’m sick. I would like to offer my condolences, send you a hug, but what are words for? I know her life is destroyed and nothing will ever be the same.
The woman has received insults, threats for having “raised two monsters”.
“They have muddied and humiliated us. They are angry with my grandchildren, the other children, but how do you do it? I am not a bad mother in the country who know me, ask anyone. I have educated my children in respect, sacrifice and solidarity since I woke them up at dawn so as not to leave my husband alone who accompanied the eldest to Marino to study. We have made many sacrifices and today we are also destroyed. We will no longer recover.