The President of the Region at the ‘Days of Innovation’ event: “The youngest is 58 years old, without competitions since 1991 …” The reaction of the unions
PALERMO – “The Region was not made to solve problems, it was made to become a ‘social safety net’. The Region was the largest industry for 70 years; you could enter even without contests, with a business card, with a phone call … this was the Sicilian Region. And not having the courage to say it is really criminal. I have the courage to say so. We had 19,000 employees: 5,000 have retired, we have 13,000 and 50% belong to bands A and B, absolutely not functional to make the regional machine efficient ”. READ HERE THE DECLARATIONS THAT DEVELOPED THE POLEMIC
So the Governor of Sicily, Nello Musumeci, at the “Innovation Days” event del Sole 24 Ore, dedicated at this stage to Sicily and Sardinia. “There has been no competition here since 1991. The youngest is 58 years old – Musumeci adds – They are not digitized people, they are not people used to working in an absolutely different competitive context, as required by the public administration today. And it is with this machine that I have to do my homework day after day. And if I call a manager the next day I have the agitation of all the unions. I said that 80% of the regional employees are absolutely useless for the programmatic functions of the Region. I repeat. Also … if we go from 80 to 70% thank God. My goal is to reach at least 50% ”. (HANDLE)
“Governor Musumeci returns to lash out at the employees of the Sicily region, calling them “useless” and reiterating the offensive phrases of recent months against which we have already filed a complaint. It is surprising, however, that it is the head of government who has managed to harm Sicilian companies with the click day flop and layoffs: there is no one who has resigned, so better be quiet. “. Giuseppe Badagliacca and Angelo Lo Curto from Siad-Cisal say so, commenting on Musumeci’s statements during the speech at the Il Sole 24 Ore Innovation Days.” We want to remind Musumeci – continue Badagliacca and Lo Curto – that he has not respected not a single one of the commitments made with the employees, which has made everyone return to the office despite the anti-Covid restrictions that then asks for respect from the Sicilians and who still wait for the money promised in the budget and remained in Dead letter. Does Musumeci want to make the Region efficient? Start with your government. “
The reaction of the unions
“We believe that President Musumeci does not know how the offices of the Region that he directs really work.otherwise, these repeated attacks cannot be explained through the press, which are perhaps more aimed at impressing the public than solving problems. On this occasion, among other things, the governor has directly attacked the personnel of categories A and B, of which he may not be aware that there are employees who carry out full positions even without the recognition due to their colleagues in other categories. We reiterate that if President Musumeci really wants to know how things are in the regional public administration, how the managers and employees of A, B, C and D really work, we are ready for the confrontation. We can show you in detail what works and what does not work in departments, consult with you the productivity data in smart work, to carry out effective work that yields concrete results. We can no longer accept that to divert attention from some disasters related to the management of this land, always and only regional employees are released to the press ”. To say this are Gaetano Agliozzo and Franco Campagna from Fp Cgil, Paolo Montera and Fabrizio Lercara from Cisl Fp and Enzo Tango and Luca Crimi from Uil Fpl, Fulvio Pantano and Francesco Madonia del Sadirs, Dario Matranga and Marcello Minio del Cobas / Codir.