Musumeci commotion in Ars: “Rome has already decided, it will be blockade”


PALERMO – The session of the Regional Assembly of Sicily is in progress with the intervention of the President of the Region, Nello musumeci, on measures to combat the coronavirus: the governor announced the intention to launch a bill with which to exercise legislative power in certain sectors such as cultural heritage and tourism: the objective is to reopen bars, restaurants, cinemas and theaters . whose activities have been limited by the Dpcm. At the end of the session there is a confrontation between the governor and the opposition.


21.41 – It ends with a confrontation between Musumeci and the opposition in the House. The governor shouts: “Let’s work and stop doing terrorism, the moment does not allow it.” From the Sala d’Ercole you can hear the cries of the opposition. Also supplied in Cracolici: “On March 12 you said that the right of movement should not be impeded …”.

21.40 – Musumeci raises the tone: “For any hypocrisy: we all know that sooner or later we will reach a total closure. I have already said that ‘the worst will come’, but why do it before? Why stop a family from going to the movies or a restaurant from closing afterwards? At some point I fear that we will all close down and Rome does not do much to hide this sad prospect at this point ”.

21.37 – Musumeci’s replica begins: “Parliament will decide on the bill. We are only driven by the desire to see the prerogatives of the Sicilian region restored. Without wanting to deny the gravity of the moment.

21.02 – The rejoinder of the councilor for health Ruggero razza: “It is not true that the government has not implemented planning actions for the health system. We have an efficient ability to diagnose and manage positive people at home. Today we handle a health situation in which we have decided not to suspend ordinary activities: the difference, with respect to the March-April period, is an increase in activities of 120% ”.

20.30 – “We need to share between the majority and the opposition to face the pandemic and make the best decisions to protect the health of citizens, also safeguarding the economy of Sicily and the country”, is the intervention of the leader of the UDC group Eleonora Lo Curto. “It is no longer the time for populism and shouting,” he adds, “we will only get out of this serious health crisis if we stick together by giving concrete answers to those who produce. We must assert our legal autonomy to waive some restrictions imposed by the Dpcm. President Musumeci did well to announce a provision of law to that effect. The Covid-19 should make us reflect on the need to recover the prerogatives of our Region that, if recognized, would allow us to use 6 billion a year to solve many problems, starting with the infrastructural gap. Just as, together, we must take advantage of the opportunity that the Recovery Fund offers us to spend more than 20 billion euros in carrying out strategic works, and I am also thinking about the port of Marsala, and relaunching the economy with new opportunities development for our productive and business realities “.

20.07 – The leader of the Diventerà Bellissima intervenes Alessandro Aricò: “Inappropriate Musumeci? Nothing more false. Instead, we have a President of the Region who makes his voice heard and of which Sicilians can be proud. Some restrictive measures envisaged by the Prime Minister’s decree are too penalizing, for example those relating to highly anticipated closures in the restaurant sector. Therefore, the Musumeci board would do well to pass the bill announced by the governor to allow exceptions.

19.41 – A note arrives from the leader of the M5s group about what is happening in the Chamber George Easter: “The dramatic data that arrives every day from Sicilian hospitals says only one thing: the situation is getting out of hand with this government, which is less and less up to par, and what is Musumeci doing? It comes out with good theatrical shots only to smoke in the eyes of Sicilians, who still today, months later, have not seen a single euro of the so-called War Budget, built however with money from the Monopoly ”, the words of Easter. . “We all – says Pasqua – are with the restaurateurs and with the most penalized categories, but the bill is certainly not the way to help them. If I really wanted to give them a hand, I had to opt for other immediately operative means and assume all the responsibilities, certainly not a bill that, well, will only begin to take effect in fifteen days. The bill – Easter continues – is just a populist move to try to unload on other sins that are above all his and his government, which did not move in time when the emergency was elsewhere and when there was time to increase places. intensive and subintensive therapy beds that largely remained only on paper ”.

19.38 – Angela Foti (Attiva Sicilia): “The Recovery Fund must be discussed and participated with the Parliament given the strategic importance of these economic resources and the interventions in the health sector, with all the understanding of the case of the difficulty created by the pandemic, must be shared with the territories otherwise it passes for authoritarian and not authoritarian “. And with regard to regional resources: “There is a very serious cash problem that can only be resolved with the implementation of the statute, articles 36, 37, 38 and on the Statute, we must also leverage to adjust some provisions at the national level on the limitation of schedules, which has already become an agenda that I hope will be approved tonight ”.

19.32 – The deputy from Iv spoke Edy Tamajo: “In the Dpcm I think like you – turning to Musumeci -. I do not think that the Dpcm goes in the direction of reasoned choices. We are with you to give an opportunity to restaurateurs, bars, theaters and cinemas and defend the Sicilian productive fabric ”.

19.16 – In Sala d’Ercole it is the turn of the leader of the group Pd Giuseppe Lupo, who speaking with Musumeci speaks of an “inadequate and irresponsible president”, who “has made decisions that can endanger the health of Sicilians. The bill for the openings of theaters, cinemas and restaurants? It represents your request to join the denier stream. The truth is that with this trend of contagion in a few days Sicilia could run out of intensive care places but she – turning again to Musumeci – with this climate thinks about the reopening of cinemas, theaters and restaurants and thinks about doing it without taking responsibility but with a bill that must be approved by Parliament. “

18.58 – The deputy of Attiva Sicilia intervenes Sergio Tancredi: “Net of all the programs that Musumeci spoke about, we think that one of the foundational elements for the relaunch of the Region is the absolute awareness that we must relaunch the statute: this is the moment. The government must give a very concrete political direction, which among other things has already resolved with 197 of 2018 that is a specific line of intervention for the rules of implementation of the Statute that would give enormous resources to the Sicilian Region. With these guidelines we would have the opportunity to relaunch the region and focus on programming ”.

18.46 – The Five Star Movement is also going to attack Musumeci. Nuccio Di Paola appeals to the “responsibility” of the governor: “Stop going on television to do propaganda.” On the same wavelength, the colleague Luigi sunseri: “Admit your disabilities, as in the case of the day of the click, and rather worry about starting the administrative machine.”

18.29 – An Agenda asking the regional government to implement “urgent initiatives to protect economic activities subject to limitations after the Dpcm October 24, 2020” was presented by the parliamentary group of Italia viva: “With this Odg, in As happened for the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and also considering the objectively lower rates of contagion in comparison with other Italian realities, we commit the regional government to assess the appeal before the competent jurisdictions of the provisions of the Dpcm of October 24, 2020, also in defense of the statutory prerogatives – explains Cafeo – as well as taking any new initiative towards the national government to reconsider the provisions adopted to protect employment, businesses and the stability of the social and economic fabric of Sicily ”.

18.27 – Hard attack of the deputy Pd On the Dipasquale: “The restoration bill is the most superficial act that can be done. There will be a sure draw. Soon we will all have to stay at home and no one will be able to go to the restaurant while according to her the problem continues to close at 6 in the afternoon. The prospect of total closure is taken for granted, you have to have the courage to say so. “

18.05 – The regional deputy of the Democratic Party intervenes Antonello Cracolici: “After listening to you, I wonder if you can be president of the Region –his words addressed to Musumeci–. We are in a serious phase. The data tells us that Sicily is preparing to live some very difficult days. The growth of infections is not constant but exponential and that is why I am concerned. The bill you announced? It would take at least 15 days for its publication in the Official Gazette. This means that you are choosing the path of propaganda when instead you could decide to modify your disposition and go to the confrontation with Rome ”.

18.02 – Because alive Italy intervenes Giovanni cafeo, which guarantees support for any initiative that allows bars and restaurants to remain open beyond 6:00 p.m.

17.50 – Musumeci concludes his speech by talking about the Recovery Fund: An extraordinary opportunity to give Sicily a strategy in the Mediterranean. You won’t need to do a hundred little things but focus on ten big ones. Sicily needs strategic infrastructures to get out of the state it is in. The direction of the works? It must be unique and at certain times, the realization of the projects cannot be entrusted to Anas and Rfi ”.

17.36 – The subjects on which the Sicilian government will ask Rome for a derogation are those related to cultural heritage and some activities related to tourism.

17.35 – Musumeci again: “With due respect to the national government, we believe that we have the right to regulate the measures that regional presidents can adopt in certain matters. Measures that until now have been restrictive and could be extensive. The idea of ​​requesting exceptions also for extensive topics is not new: these days there is a regulation of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano that governs certain measures to contain the epidemic. This afternoon the regional government will meet to approve a bill that recalls in form and substance the law already adopted and approved by the central government for the autonomous province of Bolzano. I hope that Parliament’s agreement on this issue can be reached ”.

17.22 – “The government’s Dpcm has been very restrictive with respect to our regional ordinance. We have highlighted that some regulations such as the closing of bars and restaurants at 6 pm were a serious problem for some regions ”, Musumeci says again.

17.09 – “Between the period of March-April and that of September-October, our health system made 120% more health services and even today we are firm in our position of not suspending the activities of care for those who are not sick with Covid . It is false to say that Sicily has wasted the summer period: this is demonstrated by the strengthening of the territorial fabric, the contracts carried out and the start of the works in the hospitals ”.

17.05 – Musumeci: “The situation of the epidemic in Sicily indicates a constant growth of infections. We have reinforced ours with more than three thousand operators, we are among the Italian regions that were the first to have swabs and serological tests. We have analyzed more than 460,000 unique cases with molecular tests and more than 250,000 with serological tests. “
