Murder Willy, witnesses: “Belleggia fatally kicked the child”


According to reports from the Corriere della Sera, everything begins with a fight between two factions: on the one hand, the Colleferro group in which is the boy that Willy will try to get out of trouble by losing his life, on the other hand that of Artena with Mario Pincarelli and Francesco Belleggia. During the fight, the two from Artena find themselves immediately in trouble and outnumbered.

Speakers Gabriele and Marco Bianchi: as has happened before, as they are both experts in MMA, ready to use muscles and fighting techniques. Witnesses report pushing and slapping, many opponents of Belleggia and Pincarelli flee. Tail, again as reconstructed by various witnesses, he gets in the way to act as a peacemaker and remains involved. Cade, perhaps hit by a punch from Marco Bianchi.

He tries to get up in his arms but the two who started the fight also want to close it. Pincarelli punches him in the head, Belleggia gives him a karate kick to the face. A detail, this, is also related in other testimonies collected by the carabinieri. Belleggia is indeed a karateka: in his interrogation he said that he did not hit the child, implicitly accusing the others in the group and in particular, just Gabriele and Marco.

Accusations rejected to the sender by the Bianchi brothers, who, in their interrogation, instead affirmed that it is theirs. Belles the director. And that he should take responsibility for what happened tragically.
