Murder Willy, the coroner: “Broken heart and lungs”


Kicks to the face, head, chest, until the heart and other internal organs are broken. Unprecedented violence that ultimately led to cardiac arrest. the conclusion of the coroner Saverio Potenza, a consultant to the Public Ministry, who performed the autopsy on the body of Willy Monteiro Duarte. The young man murdered by the brothers Marco and Gabriele Bianchi, Mario Pincarelli and Francesco Belleggia. According to the expert witness, he was the victim of a complex trauma that resulted in several injurious actions, all of a contusive nature. And immediately after the report delivered to the prosecutors it is specified that the injury must be traced to natural means of the crime such as kicks and punches, even if, due to the seriousness of the injuries suffered, the theoretical possibility, although minority, of the use of sticks, bars or others.

Multiple bleeding

The beating suffered was so violent and the damage so widespread that the coroner could not determine which of the injuries subsequently caused death. Willy died of multiple internal bleeds: lungs, pancreas, spleen, thoracic aorta, and a three-centimeter injury to the heart. He seems to review the scene described by some witnesses: Willy was on the ground and they jumped on him. Then the injuries to the face, abdomen, chest, forehead attributable to the kicks received by the two brothers who are experts in MMA, the martial art that mixes different genres.

A fact that aggravates the position of the four accused of the murder in another respect: His defense, so far, has been aimed at demonstrating a marginal role in the beating.. The Bianchi brothers and Belleggia in particular accused each other of having delivered the decisive blows against the 21-year-old while he was on the ground. But in the absence of a decisive fact to determine his death, the concurrent accusation against all participants is strengthened. Meanwhile, the Velletri prosecutor continues to carry out investigations and together with the testimonies that the Colleferro carabinieri continue to collect yesterday, the fifth investigated in this matter, Vittorio Tondinelli, the boy who drove the Bianchi SUV, but did not do so. would participate in the fight. The charge for him to help and incite.

The investigations

Marco and Gabriele Bianchi and Mario Pincarelli are detained in Rebibbia in solitary confinement in the protected wing as requested by them for fear of retaliation from other inmates. After asking for the Review (for a theoretical release from prison), they gave up. On the other hand, Francesco Belleggia, whose position is partly lightened, is under house arrest because in the interrogation of the guarantee before the investigating judge, he was credible when comparing his words with those of the witnesses. Along with the autopsy, the magistrates commissioned other scientific evidence on the car used to arrive at the scene of the beating and on the clothes of the four suspects in search of traces of blood and DNA that reinforce an already very solid accusatory framework.

September 26, 2020 (change September 26, 2020 | 09:53)

