TREBASELEGHE (PADUA) – The Alessandro Pontin townhouse, which yesterday became the horror house of Sant’Ambrogio, is located near the house of his brother Roberto and surrounded by those of the relatives of the Pinton family, along the provincial road that connects Trebaseleghe with Noale and Badoere. Yesterday in the street there was a bustle of police officers that had never been seen in the small village. “I am 80 years old – exclaims a distinguished man in front of the Scottadito bar, across the street where the tragedy occurred – and it is the first time I have seen such scenes. I knew Alessandro well, as I have known his family all my life: he was a boy who talked to everyone, for company, “explains the excited and shocked old man.
“To do such a thing, who knows what must have gone through his head – he continues -” I am convinced that he loved his children who became boys: just a fortnight ago I saw him walking with them here in S. Ambrogio. I am really surprised».
Another neighbor in the area around 1:30 yesterday was walking calmly just after lunch, when suddenly he heard not one but more blows: “At first I thought they were firecrackers. Then I was intrigued and in a few minutes I saw many police patrols arrive. Only then did I realize it was terribly serious, but never, ever would I have thought of such a drama. I know Alessandro and his family well, like everyone else in S. Ambrogio, and these events are too big for us, a small provincial community. We have only seen and heard such massacres on television. ‘
A group of very young people spontaneously gathered in front of the Pontin family’s house. “We didn’t know the boys, but Alessandro did, because he frequented the bar in the center of town,” they admit. He was a calm and apparently serene guy. We often saw him train in and around S. Ambrogio because He liked religious marathons, pilgrimages in which he used to participate.».

At approximately 6 in the afternoon, when the trucks of funeral directors Pignaffo and Alessandro Bisello had just arrived, a shocked man also arrived after reading the first leaked information about the homicide-suicide on social networks: “This afternoon it was reading when I heard about the explosions – he tells with fervor – At first I thought they were children playing and I did not give him any weight. When I left the house and saw the carabinieri, the Ris dressed in white and the Pontins gate, I realized I realized that something very serious had happened. I am truly incredulous and speechless. I am dismayed for the father and the children and now for the mother who will have to accept all this absurd pain. ”
Another neighbor, who left his house to control the commotion over the presence of the police on the main road of S. Ambrogio, immediately understood that it was an inexplicable family drama: “As soon as I saw the carabinieri and the ambulance arrive with the sirens off I felt that a terrible tragedy had just happened. Honestly – he adds – I still find it hard to believe the hypothesis of the murder of the boys and the suicide of Pontin because the man really seemed friendly, affable and kind. He will never know the reasons, if there were any.
