(ANSA) – VENICE, DEC 24 – The city council of Verona in last night’s session revoked the honorary citizenship of Roberto Saviano, which had been conferred on the Campanian writer in 2008. The proposal, presented by the councilor of the Northern League, Alberto Zelger and signed by 9 other councilors, including the president of the municipal council Ciro Maschio (FdI), were approved with 20 votes in favor, 7 abstentions and one against.
Among the reasons for the resolution of revocation of honorary citizenship, proposed a year ago, “the fact that Saviano did not thank the City of Verona and the fact that he never expressed the desire to come and withdraw it.” In addition, Zelger motivated the revocation also with praise for Carola Rackete and the “repeated expressions of contempt against former minister Matteo Salvini with slanderous phrases” and also the fact of “having stood in favor of the mayor of Riace.” (HANDLE).