The mayor of Magistris reserves for one vote. After a marathon of almost 18 hours in the city hall, the 2020-2022 budget passes. In favor 19, against 18: this is the verdict of the classroom at 3.45 hours. The mayor and his councilor are saved, but the majority and opposition councilors are also saved: because the agency’s police station and the dissolution of the municipal council that would have been triggered by the lack of approval of the accounting document are avoided.
Decisive was the yes expressed by opposition councilor Anna Ulleto, a former Democratic Party, who was suspended from the party in 2016 because she was under investigation for an exchange of votes. And two decisive absences at the time of the vote: Salvatore Guangi from Forza Italia and Councilor Domenico Palmieri, elected in opposition to the popular Naples and linked to former Governor Stefano Caldoro.
Naples, the budget passes, the mayor is saved by a vote: “The traitors are put in the corner”

After a whole day on the telegram, with De Magistris in the balance, without enough votes to pass the budget exam, the situation is reversed at 2 in the morning: Nino Simeone, councilor elected in 2016 with the mayor but candidate for Regionals with the list of “President De Luca”, feel bad. 118 arrives, concern in the courtroom because in September Simeone underwent a delicate heart operation. The session is suspended, Simeone leaves the classroom in a wheelchair: he had announced his vote against. With Simeone’s No, the opponents would have been 19, the same number of supporters and the budget would not have passed. The session resumes shortly after 3 o’clock and in half an hour most of them bring home the result.
“I am very happy for the city – said de Magistris at the end of the works – After the mayor of the street, I think this was the most difficult moment. It was not easy with 8 directors chosen thanks to me who in the meantime have passed to the other side ”. Regarding the vote in favor of Ulleto, involved in investigations by exchange of votes, the former prosecutor comments: “Those who voted Yes did not do so out of personal interest, but out of love for Naples. The real political misery of this matter is represented by the traitors who have been cornered with this vote. The scandal is those who betray, not those who have avoided the police station and the hetero-direct shoulder of another building. I am referring to the councilors who, elected with great stubbornness, voted against it. It is legitimate because it can be changed in a democracy, but it is also ethically and politically reprehensible. I thank the area of center-right moderates who were responsible. And there is no agreement, there is no secret. We have done a great political job. The result is broader than the figures: because the climate that has been created heralds a strengthening of the majority ”.