Municipal elections of Reggio Calabria, the NAMES of the ELECTED councilors: boom boom Milia, more than 1,600 votes! Zimbalatti announces an appeal against Irene Calabrò


23 September 2020 12:58

Municipal elections of Reggio Calabria, the first data on preferences: record for the 25-year-old of Forza Italia Federico Milia, obtained 1,628 votes

ME’ Federico Milia the most voted candidate in the municipal elections of Reggio Calabria: the 25-year-old from Go Italy, coordinator of the youth movement of the blue party and very close to Francesco Cannizzaro, He got 1,628 votes preferably (partial data, updated to 215 scanned sections out of 218). Secondly Antonino Castorina of the Democratic party with 1,415 votes.

In case of Irene Calabrò me Antonino Zimbalatti, two outgoing advisers from Falcomatà who are candidates on the ISP list – Forward to Reggio. The list has performed well below expectations, and will in any case elect only one councilor, even if he wins the vote. Between Irene Calabrò me Zimbalatti at the moment there are only 2 votes difference. If the gap is still that narrow even with the count of the last three sections not yet received, Zimbalatti will make use of it as advertised on StrettoWeb microphones. “I learned that, especially in some sections of Modena, several votes were canceled due to minor oversights on the part of the voters, but the will towards the candidate was still clear, so I will ask for a recount by appealing“.

Here is all the data that you remember is partial as there are 3 sections of 218 and therefore may still change even slightly:

Graphic elaboration by Marco Patanè

Municipal elections of Reggio Calabria, the allocation of seats: 4 to Forza Italia and Pd, Klaus Davi comes out by 15 votes but has not finished [DATI]
