Municipal elections of Reggio Calabria, the allocation of seats: 4 to Forza Italia and Pd, Klaus Davi comes out by 15 votes but has not finished [DATI]


23 September 2020 08:50

Municipal elections Reggio Calabria, the framework with the provisional allocation of seats in the City Council

At the moment, according to the official data received for 215 sections of the total 218, me seating for the new municipal council of Reggio Calabria in light of the result of the municipal elections are attributed as follows:

  • 11 to the Center / Left Coalition (4 Pd, 1 S’intesi, one Fall in love with Reggio, one ARTICLE ONE – Reggio Coraggiosa, one Italia Viva, one Restart, one The inflection point, one PSI – Head up)
  • 11 to the Center / Right Coalition (4 Go Italy, two Brothers from Italy, one League, one Let’s change with Toti, one Mayor of Minicuci, one Active Reggio, one Reggio Calabria every day)
  • 1 to Angela Marcianò
  • 1 to Saverio Pazzano

These are certainly the seats already allocated, regardless of the outcome of the vote.

If you win the ballot Falcomatà, would activate the jackpot with another 8 seats for his coalition which, in the event that there are no similarities, will be divided as follows: one to the Pd, one Of course, one to article ONE – Reggio Courageous, one fall in love with Reggio, one to Italia Viva, one settle down, one in La Svolta, one to the Democratic Spring.

In the event that the second round was won by Minicuci, again without appearances, the majority cousin of remaining 8 places It would be distributed as follows: two to Forza Italia, two to the Brothers of Italy, one in Lega, one Let’s change with Toti, one to Minicuci Mayor, one at Ama Reggio.

municipal elections seats reggio calabria

In the event that a Mayor who has agreed to similarities wins, it will be necessary to include in the majority prize also some seats for the related lists, to the detriment of some of the internal ones, as follows:

In case of Klaus David: got the 4.64% of preferences as a mayoral candidate, but his list is firm on 2.98%, exactly 15 votes less than 3% which would allow him to enter the town hall. The data of the last 3 tranches are still missing, which have been sent to the central office for the completion of operations. As far away as David shouldn’t do it for such a small gap, he’ll appeal asking for a recount and the analysis of the numerous cards canceled as already announced yesterday.

Coming soon, within the day, all the data on the preference of the directors.

We appreciate Marco Patanè for the graphic elaboration that accompanies the article.

Municipal elections of Reggio Calabria 2020: live count with all results
