Municipal elections of Mantua, awaiting the results: the live count


The inhabitants of the capital of the Lombard province were called to the polls to elect the new mayor and the new municipal council. With 45 sections scrutinized out of 46, Palazzi leads with 70.87% of the votes

In Mantua (ELECTORAL MAP) the only thing missing is the officiality of the victory of Mattia Palazzi, the first outgoing citizen from the center-left, who, after 45 sections of 46 scrutinized, is ahead with 70.87% of the votes. It is followed by the center-right candidate Stefano Rossi, with 22.14%, and the M5 candidate Gloria Costani, with 4.70%. At the bottom Giuliano Longfils, from the Mantua list in the heart, with 0.77%, Cesare Battistelli from Rifondazione comunista, with 0.75% of the preferences, Michele Annaloro from the civic list of Grande Mantova with 0.54 % and finally Roberto Biasotti with the civic Viva Mantova and preferences equal to 0.22%. (THE SPECIAL ELECTION – THE MUNICIPAL)

Candidates who challenged each other

The outgoing mayor Mattia Palazzi returned to the elections supported by Italia Viva, # Palazzi2020, Mantua, Si Sinistra Italiana – Federation of the Greens, and by the Democratic Party. Stefano Rossi is the candidate for mayor of the center-right coalition, supported by Forza Italia, Lega Salvini Lombardia, the ideal mayor of Mantova Rossi and Fratelli d’Italia. Gloria Costani, for her part, is the name that indicates the 5-star Movement together with the Health Environment Future list. Cesare Battistelli is the candidate chosen by the Communist Refoundation, while Giuliano Longfils is supported by Mantua in his heart. Michele Annaloro is the candidate for the Grande Mantova civic list and Roberto Biasotti for the Viva Mantova civic list.
