
Candidates of the center-right ahead of those of the center-left, none of the 5-star Movement that manages to reach the ballot. This is the situation of municipal elections according to the first exit poll by the Opinio Italia Consortium for Rai. The coverage is 80 percent. TO Venice the outgoing mayor Luigi brugnaro goes towards the encore, while a Mantua you should confirm Mattia palazzi. Situation on the scale a Reggio calabria me Bolzano.
in the meantime the definitive participation in municipal is 66.19%, for five years. The figure refers to 606 municipalities in 15 Regions, excluding those with special status. In the previous round of elections, the participation percentage was 65.18%.
Referendum, projections: Yes in the lead (68.1%), Di Maio: “Historic”. Zingaretti: “Valid Pd choice”
Regional elections 2020, Tuscany, projections: Giani 46%. In Apulia Emiliano 46%. Zaia 70%, De Luca more than 65%
Below is the situation of exit polls in the main municipalities.
A Venice the outgoing mayor and the center-right candidate Luigi brugnaro is at 49.5% -53.5%, with the possibility of being elected in the first round, while the center-left candidate Pier paolo baretta it is administered between 29.5 and 33.5%.
Also to Bolzano center-right is forward with Roberto Zanin 33-37%, against 29-33% of the outgoing mayor and center-left candidate Renzo caramaschi.
Right center also in advantage Chieti, with Fabrizio Di Stefano is 40-44%
Instead, the center-left is ahead of Mantua, where for the outgoing mayor Mattia palazzi reconfirmation in the first round looms with 62-66%; as to Trento, where you may not need the ballot Franco Ianeselli, which is administered at 51-55%.
A Matera, with Rocco Sassone at 29.0-33%; to Lecco, with Giuseppe Ciresa it is 49-53%; to Arezzo, with Alessandro Ghinelli at 46.5-50.5%.
Reggio calabria
Finally there is a duel in the last vote with an appendix to the ballot in Reggio Calabria, where both the outgoing mayor and the center-left candidate Giuseppe Falcomatà and the competitor from the center-right Nino Minicuci they are at 31-35%.
A Crotone Finally Vincenzo Voce, backed by various civic lists, is at 39-43%; Antonio Manica from the center right is at 31-35%; Danilo Arcuri, from the center left, is at 15-19%; Andrea Correggia, from M5S, at 8-10%.
Last updated: 19:51