According to Consorzio Opinio projections in the main cities called to vote for Municipalities, the center-right has a clear advantage in Venice with the outgoing mayor Luigi brugnaro, which could even be chosen in the first round. Brugnaro is in fact 51 percent, followed by Pierpaolo Baretta center-left with 28.9%, Sara Visman (M5S) with 5.1%.
Face to face in Reggio Calabria between the first outgoing citizen Giuseppe Falcomatà – center-left – and the candidate of center-right Nico Minicuci. Falcomatà is at 35.8%, while the challenger Nino Minicuci the center-right is 34.8%. Angela Marcianò It is at 13.1%, Saverio Pazzano at 7.8.
In Mantua, on the other hand, it seems likely that the center-left will win in the first round Mattia Palazzi: According to the first projection it has 65.5 percent, while the challenger of the center-right Stefano rossi it would be 26.1%. Gloria Costani at 6.4%, Michele Annaloro 0.7%.
Just as in Trento where the center-left could win with Franco Ianeselli which is at 50 percent (with Andrea Merler of the center-right at 32.3%. Marcello Carli would stop at 6.3%).
The center-right would be ahead of Bolzano, Arezzo, Chieti: Fabrizio Di Stefano center-right is 36%; Bruno di Iorio (civic) at 24.8% Diego Ferrara (center left) at 19%.
Matera seems destined for the polls: here Rocco sassone of the center-right is 31.6%, Domenico Bennardi from M5s to 26.2%, Giovanni schiuma (center left) at 18.6%.
Ad Arezzo, on the other hand, the center-right could go to the first round: Alessandro Ghinelli He is ahead with 50.4%, while the center-left mayoral candidate Luciano Ralli is at 31.7%.
Finally, again on the basis of exit polls, in Aosta Valley the Lega would be the first party. When about 7,500 ballots (out of 72,706 voters) have been analyzed, the VDA League has 26.5% of the votes. They are followed by Union valdotaine (19.7%), progressives (10.9%), Alliance valdotaine (9%), Vda Unie (8.7%), Pays Souverain d’Aoste (2.9%), center-right with Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia (5.3%), M5S (3.4%), Pour l’Autonomie (6%), Rinascimento (3.6%), Vdalibra (1.6%) and Vda Futura (two%) ).