Movements prohibited at Christmas, San Esteban and New Years in the new Dpcm December 3


Editorial Board
02 December 2020 11:39

There are waiting for the new Dpcm of December 3, effective as of Friday 4, with the new measures and regulations for holidays. There are two important appointments today for the trajectory of the new decree of the President of the Council of Ministers: the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, explained this morning in Parliament. the government’s intentions. And then there are also two scheduled meetings of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, first with local authorities (regions, municipalities and provinces) and then with the leaders of the majority group, where the latest news of the disposition will be reported. What to do and what not to do at Christmas and New Years? Pending publication of the ministerial decree who find a series of questions and answers.

Movements prohibited in the new Dpcm December 3

The government’s line is based on rigor to reduce contacts and avoid new strong closures between January and February. Minister Speranza anticipated some regulations that will be included in the new Dpcm in which the government is working, illustrating in the Senate the strategies to be adopted in the coming weeks to contain contagions. Chapter displacements: it will be prohibited to leave your municipality on holidays, Christmas, San Esteban and New Year’s Eve. The stop, as Speranza anticipated, could be valid on December 25 and 26 and January 1. Instead, as of December 21 movements between regions Yellow cards can only be returned to their place of residence.

At Christmas, San Esteban and New Years, it is forbidden to travel between municipalities

These are the words of Esperanza today in the Senate: “In order to adequately address the Christmas and New Year holidays, the planned limitations must be strengthened. It is necessary to limit contacts between people as much as possible: during the holidays international travel should be discouraged and The On holidays, December 25, 26 and January 1, travel between municipalities should also be limited, the risks of contagion should be reduced.

The government’s objective is to bend the contagion curve without reaching a generalized blockade. That is why the restrictions on Christmas and New Years will be stricter. “The holidays must be faced seriously, if we do not want new strong closings between January and February – Speranza reiterated -. Without rigid rules, coexistence with the virus until the vaccine is doomed. With the next Dpcm we must continue with measures They are also strict so as not to frustrate what has been done in recent weeks. There are two basic options: reconfirming the system of the three zones, red, orange and yellow. Ministry technicians are discussing the parameters together with the regions, but this tool is effective . Today regions tend to yellowbut if the situation worsens, we have an automatic tool that can immediately activate more restrictive measures ”.

The rules about vacation travel

In the new Dpcm, the stop to travel between municipalities could therefore be valid on December 25 and 26 and January 1, while the curfew will be confirmed at 10:00 p.m. and the possibility of allowing the closing of shops at 9:00 p.m. (but not yet confirmed) in the new travel decree are:

  • on public holidays, December 25, 26 and January 1, trips between municipalities are also limited;
  • the curfew confirmed without exceptions until 10 p.m. even at Christmas and New Years with the prohibition of mobility also for the yellow zones from before Christmas (perhaps December 21) until after Befana: the decision on the dates has not yet been taken;
  • a travel ban between regions with a mobility ban also for yellow zones;
  • the return of those who are away from their home or residence for study or work reasons (so-called off-site);
  • the possibility of going to second homes for those in the yellow zone.

The new Dpcm December 3 with the 2020 Christmas rules: return from outside the premises, 10 at the table and exceptions only for grandparents
