Movements from December 24, fines and controls on the streets and in the city: what to watch out for


Since Dec. 24 the red zone is activated throughout Italy, and “effective services will be provided to ensure proper compliance with the prohibitions provided by the Christmas decree”. In detail, I checkpoints along traffic arteries and in the city prevent violations of the rules and meeting situations or breach of interpersonal distancing.

This is what the Ministry of the Interior writes in a circular sent to prefects December 22, which provides indications for a clear interpretation of the rules.

In view of the Christmas closing, the Viminale circular illustrates in detail what will be allowed, who can travel without limitations, when self-certification is necessary to travel and what to write, as established by the Christmas decree.

Penalties for violators range from 400 euros to 1000 euros.

Rules and fines from December 24 to January 6: the Ministry of the Interior sheds light

From December 21 to January 6 is It is forbidden to leave the house visit friends and family if it means having to leave the region where you live or have your residence. Holidays and holiday eves (December 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6) visiting friends and family, but only once a day (the “once a day” includes round trip) and in a single house, even outside the municipality itself as long as it is in the same region.

You will receive a maximum 2 people not belonging to their family unit, plus children under 14 years of age, disabled and non-self-sufficient people who live with them. The movements, we remind you, are allowed between 5 and 22, while on January 1, 2021 from 7 to 22.

Are not provided sanctions for those who go out during the red days to make one walk near the house with a mask or physical activity Park; sports activity allowed but alone. For these cases and for proven reasons of work, health, need or reincorporation to the home or residence, it will be necessary to present theself certification completed and signed.

Traveling to go to mass or volunteer

During the entire Christmas period, even on red days, volunteers and those who want to go to church or any place of worship to participate in religious services will be able to travel without limitations, complying with the curfew. In the circular signed by the chief of staff Bruno Frattasi it is stated that movements for “those who carry out assistance activities, in the context of a voluntary association also in agreement with the local authorities, for needy or disadvantaged people” Always allowed. To justify the movement linked to these activities, the Ministry of the Interior explains that the self-certification may write “end of social volunteering.”

Getting around on Christmas: when the controls are activated

Difficult, if not impossible, for the police to go check on their own initiative what happens in homes and if the regulations on the number of guests allowed at Christmas dinner or lunch are respected, but the special plan to strengthen controls during the Christmas holidays will cover both the streets and the premises as long as they remain open as particular houses.

The police will give immediate attention to reports and complaints from private citizens about risk situations such as meetings in homes and streets. The neighbor, hearing noises or seeing an excessive influx of cars and people into a house, could call the police to carry out a control, for example.

On the other hand, it is not foreseen to indicate in the self-certification form the name of the person you are going to visit for privacy reasons.
