Movements between Regions, from today everything changes: who can move and what is at risk


Rome, December 21, 2020 – From today stop moving to day outside your region, with the national closure that instead will start from the day before, December 24, as established by the Christmas Decree 2020. Those who had to leave to reach friends or family should have already done so, because from today until January 6, as it is written in the Dpcm of December 3, all travel between regions is prohibited and from / to autonomous provinces, except for the needs of work, health and need. Therefore, is it possible to change region to help an elderly parent? And go back to your residence? What are the risks? Let’s see it.

Coronavirus Italy, the newsletter for December 21

Christmas self-certification in Pdf: when and how to complete it

Residence and domicile

The Dpcm is explicit by always allowing the return to one’s own residence, domicile or home to those of another region. In particular, the exception refers to workers who are forced to move from one territory to another.

Second box

Go to the second box, within the region where you are, it is always possible throughout the holiday period, that is, from December 21 to January 6: from today it is not possible to move if second homes are outside your region.

What happens if I have to do maintenance on my second home outside the region?

It is not specified, but the government clarifies that “the assessment of the possible existence of reasons of necessity, in each specific case, regarding the different situations that may occur, is in charge of the competent authority indicated in article 4, paragraph 3 , of Decree Law No. 19 of 2020 (which, for violations of the provisions of the dpcm, is usually the Prefect of the place where the violation was found) “


Reunification is allowed for those couples who are at a distance. Interested persons may only meet at the main residence in which they usually live. There is no reference to the word “coexistence”, but the concept of “home” is clarified: that is the place where you live with “a certain continuity and stability (therefore for continuous periods, although limited, during the year) or with regularity and usual frequency (for example, on certain days of the week for work, study or other needs)”. Exclude the second box.

Family and friends

Today I can move within my region, only if I am in the yellow zone. From January 24 to 6 it is possible to visit the homes of family and friends but only if in the same region and in compliance with some rules. On the other hand, it is not allowed to change region, neither from today nor during the holidays: it is forbidden to go to a relative outside the region.

Dependent parents

Another exception to the interregional travel ban, as the government has made clear, is the people they have to reach. relatives or friends without help. The reason is framed in the case of situations of need contemplated by the Christmas Dpcm. But be careful, because the latest FAQ makes it clear that moving is allowed “where it is not possible to provide them with the necessary assistance through other subjects present in the same municipality / region ”.

Single parents

No mention, and therefore no official approval, of who he has to meet with. single parents, but in good health: we speak explicitly and exclusively of “non-self-sufficient people living alone.” The latest FAQ also confirms this. For these trips, however, no companions are allowed (except minors who are followed by those traveling, such as children). Leaving aside the exceptions, you go, but by car or train alone.

Friends who are not self-sufficient

Also in this case it is possible to move from one region to another. The same valid procedures must be observed for the reunion with non-self-sufficient parents.

Interventions or therapies

According to the decree, the transfer to another region is allowed to all those patients who have to undergo interventions or health treatments (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, etc.) outside the home.

Separated parents

According to Government FAQ, separated parents may move in for reach the children.

Return from abroad

Italians who will be abroad for tourism between today, December 21 and January 6, will have to do the quarantine. Flights to England are blocked, given the new variant of the Coronavirus that is spreading in the country.

What is my risk of violating a ban?

Whoever violates the rules of the decree is sanctioned with the administrative sanction of the payment of a sum. of the euro 400 one euro 3.000. If the non-compliance with the measures occurs due to the use of a vehicle, the penalties are increased up to one third. Article 3 of the provision published in the Official Gazette provides for it. The sanctions are the same as those provided for in article 4 of the decree-law of March 25, 2020, n. 19, converted, with modifications, by law May 22, 2020, n. 35.
