Christmas is coming, but it should not be and will not be a “free all”, so as not to have to face a third wave of coronavirus in the months of January and February. The current Dpcm will expire on December 3 and the government is working on new measures. The executive has not yet decided whether to issue a single new Christmas Dpcm valid until January 2 (or 7) or to make one for two weeks and then launch another around the holidays.
The government’s goal is to prevent peak travel from being reached during the Christmas holidays, as happened in August. With the new measures inserted in the Dpcm effective as of December 4 it will be possible movements between regions to reunite with your family? Let’s be clear.
The new Dpcm and the movements between regions for Christmas
To make the point (momentary) is the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. “We will evaluate the data until the end – Speranza told ‘diMartedì’ in La7 – there are still many days until the decree still in force expires, so we would like to see and understand how much we can still bend the curve with the measures adopted so far, but we will continue with the principle of proportionality “of restrictive measures. Speranza added that the government has chosen in this second wave not to carry out a generalized confinement that is the same in all territories” but to distinguish zone by zone, and understand where to make interventions tougher when the situation is more difficult. The correct method and we want to insist on this path ”, he stressed, warning:“ Woe to change the first signs that go in the right direction for a narrow escape ”.
Travel from one region to another for the Christmas holidays
And let’s get to the point. To Giovanni Floris who asked him about possible movements between the region and the region during the Christmas holidays, Speranza replied that “we must avoid movements that are not strictly necessary, we must minimize relationships with other people when they are not essential. And you have to stay home whenever possible. We will see the epidemiological evolution in the next few weeks. “Speranza hinted that it will not be possible to move from one region to another even if most of Italy were in the yellow zone in a month. .
Can I move from one region to another at Christmas?
However, if the epidemiological curve It should decrease in the coming days, it is possible that the government in the new Dpcm in force as of December 4 allows family reunification on vacation even to those who are residents or domiciled in another region, but only between parents and children, partners and cohabitants or more generally joint. And the possibility or not of reaching second homes where you do not have a residence to spend the Christmas holidays is still being discussed. In summary, these are the points still under discussion:
- travel between regions at Christmas: it will not be possible to travel from one region to another even if they are yellow zones;
- family reunification at Christmas only between close relatives: it will only be possible between parents and children, spouses and partners; The possibility of leaving citizens free to go to second homes is discussed.
However, an evaluation will be carried out in the coming days, monitoring the contagion data.
The new Dpcm and the Christmas rules: what Conte said today
New Dpcm, regulations for Christmas, skiing and covid, measures for the regions. These are the issues that the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, He addressed the press conference with his Spanish colleague Pedro Sánchez answering questions about the coronavirus emergency and about the measures related to the red, orange and yellow zones.
“I had talks with representatives of the European institutions to achieve the coordination of restrictive measures, in particular for the ski resorts and everything that revolves around the Christmas holidays and the infrastructure. There is a common concern. In the middle of the second Hello, we cannot think of holidays in the mountains as in other years. I am waiting for a European response and I think it is timely, this does not mean invading the prerogatives of individual states, everyone will be free to take whatever measures they consider. We will take care that, if you go abroad en masse for the holidays, we cannot return without any control. We do not want to limit cross-border transfers, “said the premier.
New Dpcm chapter: “We are working on Christmas measures, I trust that in the next few days we will be able to define a package of appropriate measures to intervene in what could otherwise be very intense occasions of socialization during the Christmas period. Realizing that citizens must plan possible displacements, but beyond the color of the regions, we think that in this period measures and greater precautions should be introduced to avoid a new outbreak of contagion. The number of deaths is very clear, we cannot accept the stress on health services ”.