The Regions protest: “Astonishment and regret for the method followed by the government regarding the MPD.” The Governor of Lombardy, Attilio fontanain particular, he expressed his “disappointment” to the prime minister Giuseppe Conte. Senators protest: “No to the ban on travel during the holidays.” And there is tension in the government with the protest of the Minister of Agriculture Teresa Bellanova (Iv): “They are incomprehensible measures – he told Rai Radio 1 microphones – in Rome you can go from one part of the city to the other, traveling 30 km while in the province it is not possible, perhaps covering a distance of 10 km “. . “It is up to the prime minister to make a synthesis – underlined the Minister of Agriculture – but it is a false listening if the quality of the proposal is not evaluated but the weight of the proponent. There is no majority in the majority. When the house burns, the fire it must be turned off by choosing the most reasonable proposal. ”The ministers of Iv Bellanova ed Elena Bonetti during the cdm their dissensions were recorded. Iv’s “strong opposition” that the standard does not have “the necessary scientific basis.” The discussion on this point was very lively and also on the individual measures of the Dpcm the ministers met for a long time in a sometimes tense climate.
The president of the Liguria Region, Giovanni Toti, announced in the evening that the only extra-municipal movements allowed by the new Dpcm the covid of the days 25 and 26 of December and 1 of January will be those of “assistance to relatives in difficulty”. The free way for such movements must be included in the interpretation ‘faq’ of the decree.
The Minister of Regional Affairs responds to the Regions Francesco Boccia: The astonishment of the governors is “incomprehensible”. To the senators dem answer Gabriele lanzi, secretary and classroom delegate of the M5 in the Senate: “It is incomprehensible how, on the day when we regrettably register 993 deaths in 24 hours, never so many since the beginning of the pandemic, there are 25 senators who find it more important to leave than all be free for vacation. ” In the same line Matteo Ricci, Mayor of Pesaro and President Ali (Italian Local Autonomies): “Mayors oppose sbraco. There is no relaxation for the holidays or we open the doors to a third wave of very dangerous infections: Covid knows no holidays.”
Prime Minister Conte then explained: “I attended the Conference of the Regions which was a key step because we defined with them and collected their comments on the draft of the dpcm to manage the pandemic in the coming weeks with special attention to the Christmas period ”.
INTERACTIVE Dpcm, from restaurants to shopping to travel: discover what you can do (and what not) during the holidays
The prohibition of circulating between municipalities at Christmas, San Esteban and on January 1 is being debated, content of the dl approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers. Twenty-five Senators from the Democratic Party (out of 35) wrote a letter to the leader of their group. Andrea Marcucci to ask you to ” act with the Government so that the movement between municipalities on December 25, 26 and January 1, can take place to allow people who live in small and medium-sized municipalities to meet for a few hours with relatives who live in other Municipalities ”. The governors also protest: “Decree approved without prior confrontation with the Regions.” But at the end of the meeting between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Minister Francesco Boccia and the
Christmas decree: stop moving between regions from December 21 to January 6
by Valeria Forgnone
The 25 dem position
Dpcm Christmas, at the end of the year curfew until 7 in the morning. And as of January 7 the ski lifts reopen with the approval of the Cts
Regions against the government
Dpcm Covid: trips, dinners, family. All the Christmas rules
by Michele Bocci and Alessandra Zinitii
“I think that the” Dpcm “system has several problems. The observations of the Regions have not been accepted: for example, there are important disparities of treatment in the national territory”, says the president of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Massimiliano Fedriga, speaking with Radio Anch’io microphones on Radiouno. In particular, when it comes to the limits to travel between municipalities, “a person who lives in Rome – explained Fedriga – can roam freely and actually have services for millions of people, because that is the dimension; my whole region is the half of the municipality of Rome and cannot move from a municipality of 500 souls. ” According to Fedriga, therefore, “we can hypothesize, as the Regions have done”, a displacement “at least at the provincial level”, because “it is not possible for citizens of the same country in the same situation to have totally different rights. This – observed – it will be very difficult to pass: there were several indications of the Conference of Regions that were totally neglected and not listened to and perhaps I suppose that they were not even read since nothing was received. It is obvious – concluded Fedriga – that all the Regions push to maintain a attitude of responsibility, because the pandemic is not over. Everyone’s behavior and distancing are fundamental. That said, for the population to share these behaviors, I think we must implement elections and rules that are fair and understandable. “
The president of the Liguria Region goes on the attack Giovanni toti: “It seems to me very unfair that the Government adopts such a measure without even talking about it with the local authorities – says the bill approved yesterday on Facebook about moving during the holidays – While the Regions are discussing suggestions to give the Government, the law It has already been Done: everyone at home, regardless of the data, the yellow areas, the spread of the virus – he comments – But it must be clear who is responsible for all these absurdities. The limitation of the freedom of citizens must be proportional to the risk of Covid. Now someone from the Government will explain to me why, given the decrease in the figures in Liguria, as in many other Regions, a brother will not be able to spend Christmas with his sister, a father with children – he says – The same happens with restaurants and bars: if you have a restaurant or a bar in a big city, ‘good for him’, so to speak. If the restaurant is in a small town, in a village, who will it be open to? ” Not even the governor of Lombardy is there, Attilio fontana: “Read a surprise decree law that will prevent, on December 25 and 26 and January 1, the movement of citizens between municipalities of the same region, even if only to visit parents and children, while discussing a Dpcm that does not has implemented none of the indications offered by the regions is a ‘lunar’ fact, in perfect contradiction with the declarations of loyal collaboration between the State and the Regions ”.
For the president of Veneto Luca zaia “It is evident that the elaboration has become a ceremonial of court. It is said ‘listen to the Regions’, but if it is interpreted that they publish it anyway, it is useless. In some ways we could work together. The draft, ”he added. Arrived tonight, the observations will be sent to the Government, if it is magnanimous it will accept them, if it goes with its head down it will publish the Dpcm as it is. The observation we made on the movements is of public health. such a thing, “he concluded.
The governor of Lombardy is also attacking the Dpcm, Attilio fontana. “We will not be able to move from town to town on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. I consider it absolutely unacceptable because it does not take into account the Lombard reality. These are things that go in the direction of a segregation of our citizens, especially the elderly who run the risk of having to spend the holidays alone ”, underlined the Northern League.
“Once again the government decides ‘by surprise’ and without first listening to the voice of the Regions, and therefore of the Italians,” writes, in his fFacebook profile, the acting president of the Calabria Region, Nino Spirlì. ” I express the total disappointment of the Marche Region for this way of proceeding by the Government without any comparison. The closings also at Christmas penalize citizens and create strong disparities. ” These are the words of the vice president Mirco Carloni.