Movements between municipalities at Christmas: when they are allowed


the new DPCM to be approved late tonight, Thursday, December 3, place a motion brake even between Common. The risk of meetings during the Christmas holidays is too high, and that is why the new decree will limit movements in the territory even in those Regions that are in the yellow zone.

As is known, nowadays there are no travel restrictions for those in the yellow zone, except for those made during thecurfew time. You can then leave the Region (but only to move to another Region in the yellow area); Furthermore, within the regional territory it is possible to move freely from one municipality to another.

Those who believed that for the Christmas holidays the Government would have planned a relaxation of the restrictions to favor the occasions of coexistence were wrong: with the DPCM of December 3, in fact, they are represented more strict rules relating to travel.

In the immediate vicinity of the Christmas holidays, and for the entire duration of the holidays, in fact, It will not be possible to leave the Region (even if it is yellow): on vacation, however, they break Limitations also for trips between Municipalities of the same Region.

Transfers between municipalities prohibited at Christmas, San Esteban and New Year’s Eve

During the Christmas holidays there will be three days in which you will not be able to leave your municipality of residence except in cases of strict necessity. The Government, therefore, has decided to adopt the hard blow limiting the de facto family reunification during the holidays.

In fact, it will be possible to celebrate only with those who are in your municipality as the text of the new DPCM (currently available only in draft, as approval is expected later today) out-of-town travel limits on holiday.

In detail, the new Decree that will be approved by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers prohibits any movement between municipalities on the days of:

  • December 25, 2020;
  • December 26, 2020;
  • January 1, 2021.

And if we add the curfew – that avoids any movement not motivated by necessity in the time slot 22: 00/05: 00 – it follows that we will not be able to celebrate even Christmas Eve and New Years Eve (when the curfew ends at 07:00) with someone who is outside the municipality of residence.

Movements between municipalities: when are they allowed?

Obviously, not all movements between municipalities are prohibited on holiday. In fact, the ability to move is not affected, whichself-declaration – by tested work needs that’s for health reasons.

The ability to move motivated by also remains standing proven situations of need. And this will be precisely the aspect on which we must be the as clear as possible: we must clarify What are really the cases of need? that justify an unusual movement, to prevent this motive from being used for any type of eventuality.

Another reason that justifies moving out of town on vacation is the one that provides for the Return to your own residence, home OR home.

But be careful: This does not apply to second homes. Since December 21 to January 6, 2021In fact, trips to second homes are prohibited when it means leaving the Region, while on the days of December 25 and 26, 2020 He was born in January 1, 2021 even those that involve leaving the municipality.
