Movements between municipalities at Christmas: the rules of the new decree. Questions and answers


Rome, December 19, 2020 – Finally rules by Christmas me New Year They have arrived. Even if the decree (here the Pdf) illustrated the other night by the prime minister Account at a press conference left many doubts about permits and prohibitions introduced (in particular with regard to movements between municipalities), the truth is that the hard line has been imposed. Italy, all of it, come in Red zone on holidays and days before holidays (and therefore on 24, 25, 26, 27 and 31 December 2020; 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 January 2021), while changing in orange zone on the following days: December 28, 29, 30, 2020 and January 4, 2021.

Covid Newsletter December 20

Therefore, even for Christmas and New Years the rules of the red zone and the orange zone already in force will apply. With a novelty: on holidays maximum movements will be allowed two people (minors and disabled are not included in the count) to the house of friends and relatives.

Second houses in the red zone: what the Christmas decree says

An exception – being able to go to the home of friends and family – which in any case generates a lot of confusion, since in the orange and red areas it is not possible to move freely from one municipality to another, from one region to another, or to the latter . homes. And since a family lunch or dinner does not fall into the “work, need, health” categories that can generally justify travel. So let’s try to clarify the allowed and prohibited movements and what can and cannot be done at Christmas and New Years with a series of Questions and answers.

Can I travel on red zone days?

Movements in the red zone are allowed only for proven job needs, needs, and health. Self-certification is required to move out.

So in the red zone I can not go to the house of friends and family?

On the other hand, it is possible, because in the last decree the exception was introduced whereby during holidays and prior to holidays between December 24, 2020 and January 6, 2021 throughout Italy you can move (once a day and a maximum of two people) at the home of friends and family, as long as it is within the same region from which we depart.

So I can’t spend Christmas at the home of a relative of mine who lives in another region?
No, it is allowed to move to the home of friends and family, but only within the Region itself.

But, can I spend Christmas at the home of a relative who lives in another municipality?
Yes, on vacation you can go (maximum two people) to the house of a relative even if they live in another municipality.

We are a couple, we have a minor child. Can we go to lunch with relatives on December 25?
Yes, minors are not included in the calculation of the maximum of two people per trip. Then the three of them can spend Christmas lunch with relatives, as long as it is within the same region.

Can I go to lunch with a family member and have dinner with another?
No, a maximum of one trip per day is allowed.

And how can I go home if I went to have lunch with relatives on December 25 and moving is only allowed once a day?
Return home, domicile or residence is always allowed.

Maximum two people. But can my son who lives abroad and my daughter who lives in another region go home on December 25?
Movement between regions is not allowed on holidays or the days before holidays. However, if the child who lives in another region wants to go home for Christmas lunch, they can do so because they are always allowed to return to their home, domicile or residence.

So, can the son or daughter who resides in their parents’ home but lives in another region return home without being included in the calculation of the two person maximum?
Yes. They are legally returning to their residence.

I have a relative who lives in another municipality, does not have a car and cannot move. But I’d like to pick it up on December 25 to take home and spend Christmas with me. I can do it?
Yes it is allowed because on Christmas day up to a maximum of two people can move within their region and go to the houses of friends and family. Therefore, the relative to be found is included in the calculation of the two persons.

Can I move freely in my region on non-public holidays and, therefore, on December 28, 29, 30 and January 4?
No, in the orange areas – as will all of Italy in the aforementioned days – it is not allowed to travel outside the municipality. And therefore, during public holidays (December 24, 25, 26, 27 and 31, 2020; January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, 2021) you can travel (maximum two people) within your region for the Visiting family or friends, on the days of the orange zone (December 28, 29, 30, 2020 and January 4, 2021) this is not allowed and therefore you cannot move from the municipality except for proven urgent reasons, health, work.

I live in a small town with less than 5,000 inhabitants, can I move to another town to visit family and friends and on what days?
On holidays and days before holidays (see which ones above) you can go to another municipality to visit friends and family or for work, need, health reasons. In the days of the orange zone (see above which ones), however, it is not allowed to move between municipalities. However, the following exception was included in the decree: movements from municipalities with a population of no more than 5,000 inhabitants are allowed on December 28, 29, 30 and January 4. But the distance that can be covered should not exceed 30 kilometers from the starting location. In addition, it will not be possible to go to the provincial capital. We remember it for municipalities with a maximum of 5,000 inhabitants and on December 28, 29, 30 and January 4.

What is my risk of violating a ban?
Whoever violates the rules of the decree is sanctioned with the administrative penalty of the payment of a sum of euros. 400 one euro 3.000. If the breach of the measures occurs due to the use of a vehicle, the penalties are increased up to one third. Article 3 of the provision published in the Official Gazette provides for it. The sanctions are the same as those provided for in article 4 of the decree-law of March 25, 2020, n. 19, converted, with modifications, by law May 22, 2020, n. 35.
