Movements between municipalities and regions: the government says no. But a crack opens


Rome, December 8, 2020 – Requests are multiplying, but Chigi Palace and the Health Minister resist the request to relax the rules established by the Dpcm of December 3 for December 25, 26 and January 1. The more withdrawn demands range from limited relaxation such as change between little ones Common neighboring areas and a greater one related to movement between provinces. Many regions (among these Piedmont, Veneto, Lombardy, Tuscany, Liguria and Emilia Romagna) I would be in favor but the government is against it, although tomorrow (Iv would be in favor) it will evaluate whether and how to modify some details of the Dpcm. The most concrete possibility is a parliamentary operation, where there are those who could try to unpack the majority by introducing an amendment to the corresponding Decree Law, which is higher than the Dpcm norm and would have a cascading effect. For the moment, however, it is a school hypothesis.

Movements between municipalities at Christmas: who can move and why

At the forefront of asking for relaxation is the center right. “We are trying to convince the government to do as in other countries, so as not to divide Italians. Christmas is not a luxury for the rich: yes to prudence, but not to jail. To be able to leave the municipality itself, for For example, in a radius of 50 km it would be a measure of common sense “, writes the leader of the League, Matteo salvini, On twitter. This is how opposition-led regions work. “From an epidemiological point of view – says the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio fontana – It does not make sense that it is considered safe to move for visits in the municipality itself and that it is defined as dangerous to go looking for someone who lives in the next town. However, we still have time, provided there is political will. I asked Prime Minister Conte to intervene. ”

Along the same lines is the Piedmont. After a discussion with the main associations of local authorities – Anci, Anpci, Ali, Uncem, Upi – the president of the Region, Alberto Cirio, wrote a letter to the prime minister Giuseppe Conte Ask him to allow family reunions on the three main holidays. “With clear limits and certain rules, security and human values ​​can coexist,” stressed the governor when explaining his initiative, also signed by representatives of local authorities, with a post on his personal Facebook profile. “Not only a need for equity for a territory like ours, which has almost 90% of its municipalities with a small population size, but also for the protection of the fragility of our elders from the weight of loneliness.” In the letter Cirio explained the characteristics of Piedmont and the feelings of those who live in small realities: “The standard of comparison with the big cities is spontaneous: a displacement from the north of Rome to the south of Rome is about 20 km, and is the The same for all large cities in Italy, in many areas of Piedmont, however, the 20 km stretch includes a real constellation of municipalities, a kind of “diffuse city that does not reach the population density of the metropolis”.

But even the regions led by the center-left would like changes. Also the president of the Conference of State Regions and of theEmilia romagna, Stefano bonaccini, in recent days he had spoken out against the travel ban between neighboring municipalities. “By establishing the impossibility of leaving small municipalities,” observed Bonaccini, there is a paradox: you can move dozens and dozens of kilometers within large cities, but not travel a few hundred meters between small municipalities inhabited by a few hundred people. There is an inequality. ”

I also’Union of Provinces request changes to the Dpcm. “Our proposal is a correction to the latest provisions on Christmas: allow the possibility of moving between municipalities in the same province on holidays. It would be a common sense solution, a mediation between security and humanity ”, declared the president. Michele De Pascale. “I say this without dramatizing the issue,” adds De Pascale. “I realize that the dramas are quite different, but this seems like a good compromise. There are municipalities with a few thousand inhabitants, among which, however, the border of human relationships do not end. of people. “

It also concerns trade associations such as Coldiretti and the Inc. “The decision to avoid trips between municipalities, without distinction on the days of Christmas, San Esteban and New Year,” he observes, seriously affects the 24,000 national agrotourism structures that are located mainly in small rural centers with clients from large cities and neighboring countries. “It is one more ax in the agritourism sector and comes to cancel the only source of income left for the end of the year, as well as one of the few opportunities to safely share Christmas lunch outside the home and in the farmhouses ”. Cia-Italian farmers.

An alternative hypothesis, a “soft” way, is the one implemented by Tuscany, that with the appropriate order has already introduced more comprehensive rules when “interpreting” the Dpcm. The text has exceptions to the ban on travel between municipalities. It is allowed to move to a municipality adjacent to the residence, domicile or domicile if your municipality does not have points of sale for the products necessary for your needs or when there are shops in the neighboring municipality that guarantee greater economic comfort compared to these products. Movement is allowed, under the same conditions, to access restaurants with take away food. It is allowed to reach second homes, motorhomes or caravans, own boats in a beached state and in the relative port and other artifacts to carry out the necessary and urgent maintenance and repair activities. It is allowed to move to a municipality adjacent to the one of residence, domicile or domicile, in the case of a consolidated fiduciary relationship, to take advantage of personal services and services activities. You can opt for mushrooms or truffles. Agricultural activity can also be carried out for self-production purposes, including personal and non-commercial. Green light also for trips to take care of animals or for hunting control activities. Sport and amateur fishing can be done in the province of residence. It is also allowed to visit children with the other parent or in any case with the caregiver, even in municipalities in different areas, to take them away.

Ordinance of the Tuscany region in pdf
