Movements at Christmas only between small municipalities: the slowdown of the government


Movements at Christmas only between small municipalities: the slowdown of the government

As announced by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and confirmed by Ministers Roberto Speranza (Health) and Francesco Boccia (Regions) “it will be Parliament” that decides on the Christmas exceptions, “assuming full responsibility.” However, the government, considering the alarm of the Higher Institute of Health (ISS) and the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS), will do everything possible to ensure that the adjustment is “extremely limited.”

In fact, if it were up to Speranza and Boccia “we shouldn’t loosen any measures, if anything, make them tougher.” Translation: on the days of Christmas, San Esteban and on January 1 (it is not excluded, however, that the derogation will finally apply only to December 25) the prohibition on not exceeding the limits of the municipality itself will probably fall, but only for centers under five thousand inhabitants and with a “limited route”. Twenty kilometers, no more. And perhaps only between “neighboring municipalities”. In short, you will not be able to leave the cities, big or small. Especially since the hypothesis of moving within the borders of the Province is ruled out.

The final decision will be made before Wednesday, when the majority and opposition motions are voted on in the Senate. In the next few hours, the government will work together with the group leaders of M5S, Pd, Italia viva and Leu to “limit to the maximum” the repeal that will be included in the majority motion. After that, Conte will have three paths in front of him. The first is to repeal the decree of December 2 that introduced the ban on travel in the three days of the holidays and present another with “slight relaxation” in favor of mobility between small neighboring municipalities. But this would force the prime minister to go to the confrontation in the Council of Ministers with Speranza, Boccia and Dario Franceschini, standard bearers of the rigorist line.

The second way: an amendment, presented by the parliamentary groups to the Ristori decree that is currently being examined by the Senate. The third, the most difficult: to get around the traffic jam that prevents the Chamber from modifying the decree of December 2, urging a pause in the calendar of actions of the Chamber of Montecitorio.

We will see. The technicality at this point is marginal. The important thing is that for Speranza, Boccia and the ISS and CTS technicians, Christmas “represents a very high risk.” Potentially much more dangerous than the “free all” in August, since «this time the meetings will be held indoors and therefore the chances of contagion will be greater. That is why you have to avoid meals or dinners between non-cohabitants ”, Speranza never tires of repeating. In addition, there is the alarm for the Veneto case and for the precedent of Thanksgiving Day on November 26 in the United States in which more than 50 million Americans have set out, unleashing (according to experts) in the last hours. a further increase in deaths (more than 3,000) and new infections (220,000).

For this reason, also yesterday Speranza put in the minutes: “I am worried about the two weeks of Christmas holidays, if the message” free everyone “passes, it would fall into a dangerous phase again in January and February when we will be in the middle of the vaccination campaign” . And Boccia added: “If they want to remove the restrictions” to travel in “all Italian municipalities they will find us very against, we want to defend the elderly and the most fragile”. This was followed by an appeal-warning to senators and deputies: “Parliament is obviously sovereign, and if Parliament decides to eliminate the limits between municipal limits by making everything open, whoever does so will take responsibility.”

