Movement between regions is allowed. But it is “recommended” not to leave the municipality of residence


Movement between regions is allowed.  But it is

The prime minister’s press conference Giuseppe Conte it was scheduled for last night. All tuned in front of televisions and live broadcast to know the details of the new Dpcm that imposes much stricter rules to contain contagion than those that already exist. An agreement was finally reached. The tension by anti-COVID-19 it rose in the afternoon, turning into an open fight before 8.30pm, when the announcement was expected. One point in particular did not convince both the opposition and the majority itself, and especially the governors: the pressure on displacements. So much so that it finally became a simple recommendation.

ALSO READ Dpcm, clubs and shops: stop is at 6 pm Arm wrestling with the Regions

The Prime Minister and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, pushed to close regional borders, but practically everyone opposed it. Even the 5 Stars remained in doubt on this point, asking to protect the continuation of the interregional economic and productive activities of the country. In case it was decided to close, the request made by the leader of the Movement to the Chamber, Davide Crippa, was to simplify the lives of citizens, for example, giving the possibility of completing self-certifications through the Immuni application. Among the most opposed, the governors of the North, with Giovanni Toti at the forefront of the controversy (“There are people who move for work and study, closing borders is not only unfair, but it is not feasible and cannot be controlled”). and the Governor of the Emilia Romagna Region, as well as the President of the Conference of Regions, Stefano Bonaccini, who also sent an official letter to Prime Minister and Ministers Roberto Speranza and Francesco Boccia.

The municipality of residence

The latest draft of the Dpcm establishes that “it is strongly recommended” not to move “to another municipality that is not the one of residence, domicile or domicile, except for proven reasons of work, study, health, due to situations of need or to carry out activities or use services that are not suspended and not available in that municipality. ”Therefore, it is possible to move, but it is not highly recommended. Translated: not okay if you travel, but you should be aware of the risks. of the law in clubs and restaurants – now the early closing time is added – and also on the street: meetings are obviously prohibited and the mask must always be worn.


Self-certification and travel abroad

Self-certification will only be used in regions where a curfew is in effect, if you need to leave the house after closing time. And travel abroad? Travel to and from the states and territories that appear on the lists of the Chancellery is prohibited, as well as the entry and transit through the national territory of people who have remained in the same areas. Obviously, urgent needs and requirements are an exception. Entry into Italy must be reported to the Prevention Department of the competent local health authority. And in the event of return from risk areas, home and fiduciary isolation will be activated.

Last update: 10:35

