TREVISO The mother had been infected shortly before giving birth. And once she came into the world, her baby immediately tested positive for coronavirus as well. This is the first case of direct transmission recorded in the Treviso hospital since the epidemic broke out. The baby was born last month, amid the exponential growth of infections linked to the second wave. Fortunately, he never developed any symptoms. And now it has become negative. Attention is still very high.
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Yesterday morning another mother who had been affected by the coronavirus, this time becoming negative before giving birth, gave birth to two twins born prematurely, precisely at week 32 of gestation. Both were immediately transferred to the neonatal intensive care unit. Here they are constantly monitored. Now investigations will begin to understand whether they too have been affected by the virus. The results should arrive today, which among other things is the World Day dedicated to prematurity.
Newborn infected by Covid: 2-month-old baby with symptoms hospitalized in Treviso
Covid, fetus infection
Specific routes have been planned at the birth point of the Treviso hospital. As well as in the Neonatal ICU, where there are two places dedicated to the coronavirus. Since the beginning of the epidemic, that is, from the end of last February until today, 8 mothers have given birth as positive, with all the precautions but without particular problems. And in only one case, Covid-19 also happened to the child. If there are no symptoms, infected mothers can still hug their babies right away. “We have developed a specific protocol – explains Paola Lago, director of Neonatal Intensive Care at Ca ‘Foncello – new positive asymptomatic mothers can safely breastfeed their baby. The passage of the virus through milk has never been demonstrated. The use of the mask and a particular hygiene is foreseen.
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The baby is then kept two meters from the bed, for safety, in case the mother removes the mask or sneezes. But in the end the scheme does not differ too much from the preventive measures against the spread of the coronavirus that we are all called to respect ”. Things would change if Mom had symptoms. “If he is sick, the protocol foresees the admission of the child to the neonatal intensive care unit, where follow-up is ensured – lake-specific – until now, however, we have not had to activate this pathway.” (mf)
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PADUA Seventeen are the children hospitalized in this month of November by Covid in the paediatrics of the Padua hospital. In practice, 10% of the 170 adults are now hospitalized for complications caused by the virus. A high number, therefore, if we take into account that in the first wave of the pandemic, infections among the smallest were very rare.
Last updated: 14:22