Antonio Masiello via Getty Images
The agreement reached on the text of the resolution on the reform of the ESM at the majority summit has just ended. The agreement, government sources explain, is “satisfactory for all groups.”
Therefore, the majority resolution on the reform of the MEDE of Iv to the majority resolution is also passed, but the signature of the leaders of the Renzian group at the end of the text will be placed only after hearing the intervention of the Prime Minister Conte in the Chamber. of the meeting with the government on the resolution. Political green light to agree on the draft, therefore, but the leaders of Group IV have made it known that they will not sign the text immediately, considering crucial what it will say in their report from the prime minister.
The majority resolution on the reform of the ESM commits the government to “finalize the political agreement reached in the Eurogroup”, but also contains the commitment to verify the progress of a more comprehensive reform that includes the modification of the stability pact, the implementation of Edis, exceeding the intergovernmental nature of the Month.
These are the resolution’s commitments regarding Eurosummit:
It commits the government to take note of the negotiation changes made, such as the advancement of the “common back stop” of the single resolution fund for banking crises and the new context of European fiscal policies implemented as of the EU agreement on the MFF of 21 last July and negotiated with the European Commission and Parliament. To reiterate that this reform cannot be considered conclusive, given the logic of the package already reiterated by parliament, precisely in light of the latest decisions taken within the EU that describe a new season of necessary changes. Topics that will be central at the conference on the future of Europe with prospects for changing the institutional and economic architecture of the EU ”.
Second, and this represents a turning point from the point of view of the M5, the resolution commits to “finalizing the political agreement reached in the Eurogroup and on the Eurosummit agenda on the reform of the ESM treaty”.
Finally, the text that will be presented to the Senate tomorrow after Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s communications commits the government “to support the profound modification of the Stability and Growth Pact before its reintroduction, the creation of Edis, the European deposit guarantee system. banking “. , and also a process that goes beyond the intergovernmental nature of the ESM itself, which are our country’s priorities to build a new season of European integration. The progress of the work on these agenda items will be verified in view of the parliamentary ratification of the reform of the ESM treaty ”.